Lynn Vaughan is Dayspring’s Church School Coordinator.
The Church School Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the Sunday Church School and related activities.
Dayspring’s Children’s Activities
We have Sunday School for children every Sunday in our well-equipped Christian Education wing. Elementary School and Junior High aged children participate in worship in the Sanctuary until after Children’s Time – then go out to Sunday Church School. On Communion Sundays (first Sunday each month) they go directly to Church School and come into the Sanctuary for Communion (in which they participate).
In addition, each week, the Church School Coordinator emails a package of information to all the Dayspring Sunday Church School families. This includes copies of the ‘Whole People of God’ curriculum that we use in our classes, an assortment of coloring pages, an idea for a craft, and (usually) YouTube videos related to the theme.
If you have not yet been a recipient of this mailing and would like to receive it, please contact Lynn at and ask to be put on the Sunday Church School list.
Coffee (for care-takers) and Playtime (for young children) every Friday, 10 to 11:30 am.
Younger children stay with their parents or grandparents during Sunday Worship in the Sanctuary. Parents or grandparents may also take children to the Library or the Nursery, where they are able to hear the service,
to the Great Room, where they are able to hear and see the service.