Stewardship of Time, Talent, and Treasury
Clicking here will open a booklet in another window describing how, through the stewardship practices of the members of Dayspring Church, God’s love is made known in our local community and to the ends of the earth.
Weekly or Monthly Giving
In addition to their personal activities in the community and their participation in Dayspring activities and projects, Dayspringers support the ministry and mission of our congregation by placing cash or cheques in the offering plate on Sundays. See information about using weekly church offering envelopes on page 7 of the Stewardship Booklet – here.
Online Credit/Debit Card Donations
Some provide their offerings by using a debit or credit card and the Donate button at this website.
Monthly Giving via Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR)
Some Dayspringers provide their offerings as a monthly contribution via our Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) plan. See information about PAR here (including authorization forms, etc.) and on page 6 of the Stewardship Booklet – here .
“In Kind” Donations of Securities, Mutual Funds, Shares, and Bonds
These kinds of donations can be made via three mechanisms. Specify Dayspring Presbyterian Church, Edmonton as the beneficiary.
- The Presbyterian Church in Canada – see here.
- The Edmonton Community Foundation – see here.
- Canada Helps – Dayspring information pending – but in the interim, see here.
Planned Giving
As part of the stewardship program at Dayspring there is a Planned Giving fund. The objectives of the fund are to offer a dimension of stewardship that enables members of the congregation to make special gifts to Dayspring and to establish a personal legacy that supports programs of interest to them following their death.
There are five funds provided for under the Program. They are as follows:
- a General Endowment Fund;
- a Designated Endowment Fund;
- a Capital Facilities Fund;
- a Dayspring Ministries Fund; and
- a Mission Fund.
It is intended that the distribution of funds from the Capital Facilities Fund, the Dayspring Ministries Fund and the Mission Fund will be used only for special programs as may be approved from time to time by the Planned Giving Committee. The distribution from these funds is not to be used for needs included in the normal operating budget of Dayspring or for Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) which are funded independently through the freewill offerings of the Congregation.
For more information, email