Signs from God (Jennifer de Combe)

Worship on the Lord’s Day
14 January 2024     10:00 am
Online & Onsite (Mixed Presence) Gathering as a Worshipping Community
Minister: The Rev Brad Childs
Today’s Worship Leader: Lynn Vaughan     Message by: Jennifer deCombe
Music director: Binu Kapadia     Vocalist: Rom Rhoad
Elder: Heather Tansem

We gather to worship God

Music prelude

L: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
P: and also with you.

Lighting of the Christ candle
Welcome and announcements
Silent preparation for worship

Call to Worship
L: God of all times and places, we gather to worship you.
P: We turn our eyes to you and rejoice in your presence.
L: God of all life and love, we gather to sing your praise.
P: We turn our eyes to you and marvel at your power and your promise.
L: God of all wisdom and wonder, we gather to learn from your Son.
P: We turn our eyes toward Christ and wait for your Word to lead us.

Opening praise: I lift my eyes up

Prayers of Adoration and Confession
God ever creating, ever loving, ever leading,
You are stillness when we are frantic.
You are truth when we are perplexed,
You are warmth when we are cold!
You give us freedom when fear takes hold.
You send light when we have lost our way.
You are love when we feel lonely and empty.
You give us energy when we are ready to reach out.

We praise you, Creator, Christ, Spirit, for all that you are, all that you have been, and all that you will be for us. In our worship, we offer you our love and loyalty, here and now, now and always. Amen.

Assurance of God’s Grace
Believe the good news! In Christ, God has offered us forgiveness for all our sins and shortcomings. Trust that this forgiveness is for you and know that God’s steadfast love and grace endure forever.

We listen for the voice of God

Children’s time

Response: Jesus loves me (737)

Story: I need help from the congregation today. I would like everyone here, including the kids, to holler or shout about something. I want you to keep going until I wave at you. If you don’t know what to shout, then read the bible or a hymn and shout it real loud. If there is someone on the sidewalk outside, I want them to hear your noise. That’s how loud I’d like you to be.

When the people start shouting, start talking with the kids and tell them a story. Use the story of God calling Samuel; maybe 10 seconds long.  Wave at the people to quiet down.

To the kids; what was my story about? Kids respond, hopefully indicating they didn’t hear it. But I was saying it loud. Why couldn’t you hear me? Kids respond. (Everyone was making so much noise.)

It was kind of noisy in here, wasn’t it? It was hard to hear anything. Sometimes, listening to God can be the same way. Are you wondering what I mean by noise making it hard to hear God? Well, let me explain.

There are a lot of things that make it hard to listen to God.

There are people who tell us that God isn’t real. There are people that tell us we don’t ever need to go to church. There are people that tell us we are wrong in the way we worship God. There are TV shows that show kids who believe in God being pushed around. There are TV shows that show us being tough and strong is better than living like God wants us to.

Sometimes, we can’t hear when God is trying to tell us something.
Sometimes, we hear things and don’t quite understand them. Then, we ignore them and go and play.

The story I told you this morning was hard to hear because of all the noise. Let me tell you the story again now that everyone is quiet.

In Sunday School today, you’ll be learning about a young boy named Samuel who was personally called by God. Luckily, he was listening and not distracted by other things. He was able to hear the messages and, eventually, grew up to become a great and respected prophet.

In our sermon today, we will hear about a group of people who heard what God was telling them to do, but they didn’t quite understand the instructions. They took some convincing to believe that it would work. They had to listen to God and trust that He knew what was best for them.

Basically, we need to listen to God. We know that God does exist. We know we are going to a good church and are worshiping God in a way that pleases Him. We know that living like God instructs us to is the best way to live. So, we need to ensure that we are ready to hear from God and put all our faith and our trust in Him to follow the best path for our lives.

Dear God – We live in a noisy world. Help us to always listen for you. Help us to trust in you.

The Lord’s Prayer (535)

Transition music

Song: Guide me. O thou great Redeemer (651)

Today’s Message

Scripture reading: Psalm 78:1-7 & Joshua 3:1-17

Response: Glory to the Father

Message: Signs from God (Jennifer de Combe on video: Click here.)

Video Sermon Preamble: For this morning’s worship we have a special guest: Jen de Combe, who was the Associate Secretary for Canadian Ministries with the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Jen led a workshop for the Presbytery last fall right here at Dayspring. For today’s sermon, Jen will preach for us about the moment the Israelites cross the Jordan River in Joshua, chapter 3.

Some question for reflection as you watch this video: what are some moments in your life where the way ahead looked terrifying and you didn’t know what you would do, but somehow, by the grace of God, you got through it to the other side? How did that moment shape you? How do you tell that story and share it with others? As you’ll hear from Jen in today’s sermon, the Israelites were facing that sort of moment. How they remember it and how they retell it was an essential part in their formation as the people of God.

Song: Will you come and follow me (634:1,2,4,5)

We respond to serve God: Our time of giving

Reflection on giving: Dayspring is empowered to carry out our mission of worship, service, and care by generously given volunteer time, talents, and treasures. We ask God to use us and the gifts we offer to create new possibilities for those who are uncertain about what the future holds, just as He holds the future for us all. Many thanks to all who give so generously!

Prayer of gratitude and for others and ourselves

God of all life and each life, each week our prayers combine with those of others in many different places.

We face different challenges and yet we long for many of the same things, things you offer in your grace and mercy. Thank you for honouring all our prayers with the gift of your Spirit, so that we can find both strength and wisdom to serve you.

Today we remember before you people living face to face with war and violence,  in places where hatred has been stirred up and fear stalks people on their own streets.

We pray for all those displaced by conflict, seeking refuge among us or in camps and communities around the world.
God, speak to us a word of peace.
Embrace us with your love.

We remember before you people struggling in these uncertain economic times, those who have lost their jobs or worry about making ends meet.

God, speak to us a word of reassurance.
Embrace us with your love.

We remember before you people facing discrimination and social prejudice every day, those who are bullied at school, at work or at home, and those who are made ashamed of who they are.

God, speak to us a word of dignity.
Embrace us with your love.

We remember before you people facing illness and suffering in their lives or in the lives of those they love: those struggling with disability and lack of access or needed resources, and those who know grief or anxiety.

God, speak to us a word of healing.
Embrace us with your love.

We remember before you your whole creation and its many vulnerable facets and faces.
Teach us how to care for the world you love, so we may live together wisely.

God, speak to us a word of wisdom:
Embrace us with your love. Amen

Song: I, the Lord of sea and sky (592)

Sending out with God’s blessing

Thank you for joining us in worship today. I hope the Holy Spirit spoke to you in some way.

And as you go forward this week, keep your eyes open. Stay alert for signs of God’s Spirit at work and invitations to share in the work of the Spirit wherever you find yourself. And may the God who made us, the Christ who mends us, and the Spirit who brings us life bless you and sustain you in every challenge and commitment.

Response: Go forth into the world

Music postlude


Numbers in brackets after a song/hymn indicate that it is from the 1997 Book of Praise of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Those and other songs are being used in accordance with the specifications of Dayspring’s licensing with One Licence (3095377) and CLC (A735555).

Jennifer deCombe and Lynn Vaughan retain the copyright (© 2024) on all original material in this service. As far as they are aware, all of the material that has not been attributed to others is their own creation or is in the public domain. Unacknowledged use of copyrighted material is unintentional and will be corrected immediately upon notification being received.


Worship on the Lord’s Day
07 January 2024    10:00 am
The Sacrament of Holy Communion
Online & Onsite (Mixed Presence) Gathering as a Worshipping Community
Minister: The Rev. Brad Childs
Service led by Lynn Vaughan     Communion led by: The Rev. Dr. John Carr
Music Director: Binu Kapadia           Vocalist: Linda F-B
Elder: Sam Malayang

We gather to worship God

Music prelude

L: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
P: and also with you.

Lighting of the Christ candle
Welcome and announcements
Silent preparation for worship

Call to Worship
L: The day is new, the church is here!
P: We gather to celebrate.
L: We come to share and learn and grow.
P: We come with joy to love and serve the Lord. Amen

Opening praise: This is amazing grace

Prayers of approach and confession

God of possibility and power, on this first day of the week, you began creating, bringing light to shine and bringing order out of chaos.

On this first day of the week, you began your new creation, raising Christ out of death, breathing new life into the world.

On this first day of the week, you call us to waken from sleep and gather in your holy name.

So, we come to listen and wonder, to sing, pray, and be fed.

By the gift of your Holy Spirit, make us your instruments of hope in a hurting world, in answer to the prayer and praise we offer this day in Jesus’ name. Amen

Response: Glory, glory, hallelujah

Assurance of God’s love
Hear the good news! Who is in a position to condemn?
Only Christ, and Christ died for us, Christ rose for us, Christ reigns in power for us, Christ prays for us.
Believe the good news of the Gospel!
In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and set free to make a new start.

We listen for the voice of God

Children’s Time

Song: My lighthouse

Story: Balloons

Compare the two balloons:
The empty balloon represents us – on our own without God inside our hearts – All floppy and flat – we are pretty useless, certainly not as beautiful. Really not much good for anything.

What does this balloon need?
If I wanted to change this floppy good for nothing balloon, I could try to do so by filling it up with my own air (blow up balloon) – like trying to tell others how good I am. This puffed up balloon can represent ME — trying to look great by filling myself with my own ideas, my best behavior, my self-appointed attitude. There are all kinds of things that we can do to try and look good for others.

BUT – things we are able to do on our own can never ever compare to what God can do. Hard as we try, we can never lead a life that would honor and please God if we’re doing it on our own. So, the best thing I can do with a puffed up balloon (puffed up self-inflated me) would be to:
Let it go – See: I really would fly off in all directions with what was inside of me! I certainly do need to empty my balloon (ME) of all of my own air or “self-inflating” attitudes, self-structured behaviors, and pre-planned ideas.
Show the balloon that represents God and talk about the difference. This balloon is much better in many ways.

  • It is more beautiful and nicer to look at than the deflated empty ME balloon.
  • It is more powerful and can do lots of things:
  • messages can be attached –
  • it can fly so high, ride the winds
  • it can fly alone, even without wind
  • it can go higher than I could ever go.

Think about how the helium gives this a power within the balloon that makes these things possible. Now, think of the helium in this balloon as the Spirit of God. With God’s spirit inside us, we can do great things for God.

Before a balloon can fulfill its purpose, someone must breathe some life into it. You and I need the Holy Spirit to fill us, so we can be all that God wants us to be. A balloon filled with helium can represent my life filled with God’s Power, God’s strength, and the Holy Spirit. It is only because of His power, His Spirit and His strength that I can do great things for God in my life.

With God’s Spirit, like the helium in the balloon, we too can go far … doing things that God will give us the power to do – giving us strength to overcome problems and difficulties and sadness in our lives – and telling others about Jesus without fear. We can be filled with HIS spirit, HIS power, HIS might, and HIS Truth.

Thank you, God
For filling us up so much
With your power | your strength | your spirit | and your love.
Help us to honour you
In everything we do.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Song: We three kings (173)

Scripture readings (NRSV): Ephesians 3:1-12 and Matthew 2:1-12

Response: Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet

Message: Celebrate!

Today, I’m just going to share with all of you a bit about my faith journey and some of my own experiences and beliefs. It’s not so much a “journey” though, as you will see, as the church has always been a part of my life.

I have chosen to highlight the Epiphany this week, which takes place officially on January 6th. The scripture readings we heard just now told of the time when the Wise Men arrived to see this mystery  baby that was said to be set to change the world. Up until that point, the only ones witness to the birth of Jesus were a handful of stable animals, a few shepherds and probably a number of local villagers in Bethlehem. Obviously, rumours had spread and news had made it all the way to Herod. But it wasn’t really until the magi arrived and saw everything for themselves, that it all changed! Once these three special visitors saw Jesus with their own eyes, they then believed and celebrated the arrival of this new king – this light of the world. They left Bethlehem and started to tell everyone about their experience. Now, the whole world was hearing about this new baby, our saviour, and it was a cause for great celebration.

So, that is what I’m going to focus on for my talk today: celebration! Celebrating our faith.

As many of you know, I grew up as a PK – a “preacher’s kid” – so coming to church was part of my life since I was born. My father, Rev. George Johnston, ministered to a few different congregations across Canada throughout his long career with the Presbyterian Church. He had a special way of presenting his sermons – we’ll talk more about that in a bit. At various stages in my life, the church meant different things to me, and I experienced it differently. Here are some examples:

When I was very young, it was a BIG deal to attend church. I remember my dad rising early on Sunday mornings to meticulously polish his shoes before the service. He wanted them to sparkle below his long, heavy robe. We all had to get dressed up and look our best, and we had our special ‘Sunday clothes’ that we wore only for that purpose. My mom, my two sisters and I often wore matching dresses that mom had sewn herself and my two brothers always wore suits and ties, so we could really shine together as a family!?! I’m sure that most of you who attended church way back in the day remember dressing up in your very best outfits on Sunday mornings. Even through all the pomp and circumstance that it seemed to be, it ingrained in my young mind that church was a celebration. I mean, we were all dressed up and surrounded by a bunch of other people: it felt like a party to me! (balloon)

Sunday School, of course, was a staple in my life. It was pretty regimented, but I still remember it as being fun. We saw the same group of kids each and every week – nobody was ever absent! We had booklets full of study materials that we had to fill out and a constant stream of verses from the scriptures that we had to memorize. The annual Sunday School Christmas pageant was a huge event, and we practiced for months in advance. The audience was always made up of the families from the congregation, of course, plus lots of members of the general community. It was a very exciting event, for sure, and it was a great celebration for all who attended. (balloon)

Some of my fondest memories still, during that elementary school age, were being in the Junior Choir at our church in Ontario. Although I did like to sing – still do – the absolute BEST part of the weekly practices for me was when the music director gave each of us a large, purple, sour grape gumball at the end of the evening. That is the part I remember the most – well, that and the fact that my brother got a solo in the pageant one year when I didn’t!? – but that gumball was what kept me coming back. Whatever the reason, it was fun, I looked forward to attending every Wednesday night.  I just remember it being a super enjoyable experience of church life during more of those formative years. (balloon)

As a teenager here at Dayspring, I was fortunate that we had a good number of young people attending church. We had quite a big Youth Group, and nobody seemed too shy about inviting their friends from the neighbourhood or from school to come to events at the church. I remember having some pretty big Halloween costume parties and dances here over the years, plus even the bible studies had quite a few kids in attendance. The Synod hosted an annual Youth Conference that brought a hundred or more young people together for a weekend, and Camp Kannawin was bursting at the seams every summer with kids’ camps. I was involved in so many wonderful events and experiences as a young person, being a Christian or coming to church was always a positive time for me. Maybe I was lucky or maybe it was my rose-coloured glasses, but I truly enjoyed all of these times. (balloon)

Now, the only real hiccup along the way in my faith journey probably happened when I was a young adult. It had to do with my dad and his preaching style and/or what seemed to ME to be his philosophy on church services and how we were to experience them. Here is where we get a little disconnected in our thinking, but I believe it is one of the reasons I feel so strongly about this whole idea that church, that our faith, should be a cause for celebration.

Maybe it’s an age thing – I don’t know – but I had trouble understanding some of my dad’s ways of thinking and his preaching style. As I mentioned earlier, he was a bit hard core and old-school in the way he presented his sermons: I would call it ‘bible thumping’. (Remember: this is MY own recollection of how I personally related to his style at the time and at my age. I mean no offense to him or to anyone who loved his preaching.) As far as I remember, he would quote the scriptures and then he very seriously and solemnly would lay it all out there about how we were to follow along with our lives. I’m not sure that he ever smiled during his sermons. I can’t recall that he ever told a joke in the service. And heaven forbid that anyone clap their hands in church, do anything to show that they were happy to be there OR were in any kind of a celebratory mood for any reason. Coming to church was serious business!!

As you can imagine, if you know me at all, this is pretty much the exact opposite of how I feel about church and faith and what our experience should be as we build our relationship with God. I’m not saying that I’m completely carefree with how I express myself in the sanctuary, but I believe from my very core that we should be celebrating what it means to have God in our lives! Because of God and the sacrifices that Jesus made in taking all our sins upon himself, dying on the cross for us, and ensuring that we have a life beyond what this world provides, church should be one of the happiest places to attend and it should allow us to experience the biggest celebration in our lives that we can imagine!

I got married right here on this platform 25 years ago. Of course, that was a wonderful day and a cause to celebrate. But I have also said good-bye to each of my parents and to my dear sister right here in this sanctuary, not so very long ago … yet I still believe that even in those sad times, there is a reason to celebrate in our faith. We know that our loved ones are no longer in pain and they are now embraced in God’s loving arms. But we need to remember that WE are also embraced in God’s loving arms, as we forge ahead and continue on with what will ultimately be our short stint here on earth before an eternal life of glory. God is here with us now to support us and love us through the good times and the bad. (balloon)

I hope that when you walk through the doors of Dayspring’s sanctuary – or ANY time that you are speaking to God, whether that’s at church, kneeling beside your bed at night, camping in the great outdoors, driving in your car, wherever – that you are able to find that sense of celebration that is meant to be here in our hearts. Because of our faith and our belief in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we can lay our troubles, our worries, our sadness, our brokenness at the foot of the cross. Right here. God will then lift those things up and take those burdens away from us. We can give our troubles to God and allow Him to embrace us with His never-ending support and His all-encompassing love.

If we allow ourselves to be, we can be filled with the Holy Spirit and feel light and free, like this balloon. Now, THAT is something to celebrate!!

Finally, I’d like to end with just a small excerpt from a poem written by a well-known Presbyterian named Ann Weems that I first read when I was a teenager, and it really hit home with me. Her full poem was handed out with your bulletin, and I encourage you to take it home and read it through completely … maybe even a few times, to let it really sink in.

Where did we get the idea that balloons don’t belong in church?
Where did we get the idea that God loves gray and sh-h-h-h-h?
And drab and anything will do?
I think it’s blasphemy not to appreciate the joy in God’s world.
I think it’s blasphemy not to bring our joy into God’s church.

Life is a celebration, an affirmation of God’s love.
Life is distributing more balloons.
For God so loved the world …
Surely, that’s a cause for joy.
Surely, we should celebrate!
Good News! That God should love us that much.
Where did we ever get the idea that balloons don’t belong in church?

Song: Christ, whose glory fills the skies (177)

We respond to serve God: Our time of giving

Reflection on giving: Dayspring is empowered to carry out our mission of worship, service, and care by generously given volunteer time, talent, and treasure. Many thanks to all who give so generously!

Prayer of gratitude and for others and ourselves

God our Maker, we offer our gifts to you in thanksgiving for your gifts to us in Christ and in creation. Bless what we bring and who we are, so that our gifts will bless the world you love in Christ’s name. Amen.

God of Grace, we turn to you in prayer with open and hopeful hearts.

We thank you for the work of your church in all its expressions and for all that brings your love, healing and justice into the world.
We thank you for the healing we have known in our lives:
for times we have been forgiven;
for relationships repaired and strengthened;
for comfort in times of grief;
for pain eased and recovery from illness.

While Covid 19 and other illnesses still haunt our communities, we pray for those struggling with lingering effects or fresh infection.

And we pray for those in health care coping with challenges that have no easy solution.

Give each one the hope and courage they need to face this new year.

We pray for people around the world and those in our own community or congregation who must confront challenges conflict daily; for those working for justice in the face of oppression; and for all who know hunger and homelessness after drought and disaster and unexpected circumstances.

Give them hope and courage to face this new year.

Strengthen us to serve you not only with our words, but also with our actions.

Help us to see others with your eyes, and reach out with your compassion, especially where differences divide.

Teach us how to work together and show what it means to follow you in changing times. Amen.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion


When our risen Lord was at table with his disciples, he took bread, blessed it, broke it and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him. Luke 24:30, 31

This is not a Dayspring Table. Neither is it a Presbyterian Table. It is a Table for all humankind – for men and women, girls and boys, who are seeking, or who have found, a relationship with Jesus Christ, whose Table this is. Do we believe that we are not in charge of the Table – rather that Jesus is? Yes – and Jesus says that all are welcome.

We affirm our faith: The Apostles Creed (539)
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
and born of the virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to hell.
The third day he rose again from the dead.
He ascended to heaven
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.
From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.

The Peace of Christ be with you.

Song: Jesus calls us here to meet Him (528)

The Communion Prayer

M: The Lord be with you.
P: And also with you.
M: Lift up your hearts.
P: We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give God thanks and praise.

As we partake of this bread and wine, we honor Creator and creation.

As we bless and share these gifts, we celebrate the Table fellowship of Jesus.

All are made worthy by Jesus – adults, teenagers, children.  All are welcome!

As we receive the fruits of Spirit, we celebrate the communion and community of all humankind.

Creator, Christ, and Spirit dance as one. So may it always be.

And we join with the whole creation to lift our hearts in joyful praise.

All: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.

O  God, our Mother and Father, bread baker and wine maker, we give you thanks and praise.

You brought the universe into being, instilled all creation with life, and shaped us humans as Your people.

In Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life and the True Vine, You feed us with the Word. And You nourish us with Your Love poured out in abundance upon us.

O present Spirit, help us recognize the risen Christ in the breaking of the bread.

Feed the world and us with this bread.

Bring joy with this wine.

May Bread and Wine be leaven, salt, and life in us – a community of faith strengthened by this symbolic meal.

We pray in the name of Jesus who came among us – a deep mystery of faith.

ALL: Christ has died,
Christ is risen,
Christ will come again.

Come, Holy One, come.

Bless and prosper this community of faith and service.

Bless and prosper our lives, that justice and love may be the measure of our individual and community witness.

Bless us as we sing the prayer that Jesus taught.

The Lord’s Prayer (469)

Sharing of the Bread and Wine

The Bread
Minister: Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.  (I Cor. 10:17)
(The Elder breaks the Bread as the Minister says the following.)
Minister: When we break the bread, it is a sharing in the body of Christ. (I Cor. 10:16)

The Wine
Minister: When we bless the cup, it is a sharing in the blood of Christ. (I Cor. 10:16.)
(The Elder pours the wine from the Cruet into the Cup)
Minister: The wine, like Christ’s blood, is poured out as a declaration that we can have life and have life more abundantly.


The Bread of Life … available for all of us. …

Christ’s love poured out … for all of us. …

Prayer of Gratitude

Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us symbolically and we have experienced your Real Presence.

We thank You for all those who have shared in this mystery, and thus in You – here and in many places, and throughout two millennia.

Grant that we may go into the world in the strength of your Spirit, to give ourselves for others in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Song: With the Lord as my guide (574)

Sending out with God’s blessing

The season of Epiphany celebrates God’s light breaking into the world in Christ Jesus, and so:
May the light of God lead you,
the light of Christ embrace you,
and the light of the Holy Spirit enliven you
So that you know both hope and peace
this day and each coming day. Amen

Response: The Lord bless you, and keep you, make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn His face toward you, and give you peace.

Amen, amen, amen. Amen, amen, amen.

Music postlude


Numbers in brackets after a song/hymn indicate that it is from the 1997 Book of Praise of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Those and other songs are being used in accordance with the specifications of Dayspring’s licensing with One Licence (3095377) and CLC (A735555).

The Rev. Dr. John Carr (Communion liturgy) and Lynn Vaughan (messages and prayers) retain the copyright (© 2024) on all original material in this service. As far as they are aware, all of the material that has not been attributed to others is their own creation or is in the public domain. Unacknowledged use of copyrighted material is unintentional and will be corrected as soon as possible after notification is received.

No Charge

Worship on the Lord’s Day
Christmas 1      31 December 2023      10:00 am
(Mixed Presence) Gathering as a Worshipping Community
Led by the Rev Brad Childs
Music director: Binu Kapadia     Vocalists: Peter & Cheryl Sheridan
Elder: Iris Routledge

We gather to worship God

Music prelude

L: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
P: and also with you.

Lighting of the Christ candle
Welcome and announcements
Silent preparation for worship

Call to Worship
L: Praise the Lord!
P: Praise the Lord from the heavens!
L: Praise God in the heights and the depths!
P: Praise God, all creatures of earth and sky!
L: Praise God, young and old, together!
P: Let us praise the Lord and worship God’s holy name!

Opening praise: Holy id the Lord

Prayers of approach and confession

God of grace and glory, we praise you from the heights and from the depths; from the courts of power and from the sidewalks of our lives.

Your splendour shines from a manger, where the Light of the World was born for us.

In fragile flesh, you are revealed to us face to face reaching out to claim our love.

And so we gather with those who have glimpsed that love to rejoice that you have claimed us in Christ.

We offer you our praise, Creator, Son, and Spirit; Source of life, Glorious light, and Wisdom of the ages.

God of our lives, we know you are with us through thick and thin, in times of great joy and at moments of disappointment.

Yet we can feel let down when the joy of Christmas Day has passed.

Our hope gets folded away with the gift wrap, our energy for the future feels a bit tattered.

Forgive us when our faithfulness flickers like a candle burning down. Amen.

Response: I waited, I waited on you, Lord

Assurance of God’s love

Hear the good news of the Gospel: Jesus Christ is our light and our salvation. In him we are made new. Let us give thanks to God, and be at peace with ourselves and with one another.

Musical Offering: Warren G, Jack B, Peter S and Cheryl S

We listen for the voice of God

Children’s time

Response: Resus loves me


When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” Matthew 2:13 (NIV)

I’m sure that most of you have read the story of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” If you haven’t read the story, perhaps you have seen the movie. If so, you will remember how everyone in Who-ville loved Christmas. Everyone, that is, except the Grinch. The Grinch hated Christmas and made up a plan to spoil the joy of Christmas in Who-ville. His plan was to dress up as Santa Claus and go into Who-ville and steal all of their Christmas presents, all of their Christmas trees, and even the food for their Christmas dinner.

What a terrible thing to do! Do you know why the Grinch hated Christmas so much? Well, according to the story, it was because his heart was too small! He was so selfish that he hated to see anyone else who was happy and enjoying themselves. But, as you know, the Grinch’s plan did not work. Why? Because the people in Who-ville knew that the real joy of Christmas does not come from the presents, decorations, and food — it comes from a heart filled with love.

I want to tell you a story of another “Grinch” who tried to steal Christmas. In fact, he tried to steal the very first Christmas. This “Grinch” was a king by the name of Herod.

After baby Jesus was born, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem and asked where they could find the child who had been born to be the king of the Jews. “We have seen his star in the sky and want to worship him” they said. When Herod heard about this, he told the men that when they found the child, they should come back and tell him where the child was so that he could worship him too. The truth is, Herod didn’t really want to worship Jesus, he wanted to kill him. Why? Perhaps his heart was too small! Herod was so selfish that he was afraid Jesus would become more popular than he was and perhaps even take over his kingdom.

Well, Herod’s plan to kill Jesus didn’t work. After the wise men found Jesus and gave him gifts, an angel told them about Herod’s plan and they went back home without telling Herod where they had found Jesus. An angel also appeared to Joseph and warned him of Herod’s plan and told him to take Mary and the baby Jesus to Egypt where they would be safe.

And so, we see that since the very first Christmas, Grinches have been trying to steal the joy of Christmas. There may be some “Grinches” that are trying to steal your Christmas joy. It will never work — unless your heart is too small. Make sure that your heart is big enough to share the love and joy of Christmas with everyone you meet — not just at Christmas — but all year long.


Dear Father, we thank you for the joy that Jesus brings. Help us to share that joy with everyone we meet.

The Lord’s Prayer (535)

Transition music

Song:  See amid the winter’s snow (168: 1, 4, 5)

Today’s Message

Scripture reading: Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:22-40

Response: O come let us adore him

Message: No Charge (Galatians 2:1-21)

Then after fourteen years, I went up again to Jerusalem, this time with Barnabas. I took Titus along also. I went in response to a revelation and, meeting privately with those esteemed as leaders, I presented to them the gospel that I preach among the Gentiles. I wanted to be sure I was not running and had not been running my race in vain. Yet not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, even though he was a Greek. This matter arose because some false believers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make us slaves. We did not give in to them for a moment, so that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you.

As for those who were held in high esteem—whatever they were makes no difference to me; God does not show favoritism—they added nothing to my message. On the contrary, they recognized that I had been entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the uncircumcised,[a] just as Peter had been to the circumcised.[b] For God, who was at work in Peter as an apostle to the circumcised, was also at work in me as an apostle to the Gentiles. James, Cephas[c] and John, those esteemed as pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me. They agreed that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the circumcised. 10 All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I had been eager to do all along.

Paul Opposes Cephas

11 When Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. 12 For before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group. 13 The other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray.

14 When I saw that they were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in front of them all, “You are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?

15 “We who are Jews by birth and not sinful Gentiles 16 know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in[d] Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.

17 “But if, in seeking to be justified in Christ, we Jews find ourselves also among the sinners, doesn’t that mean that Christ promotes sin? Absolutely not! 18 If I rebuild what I destroyed, then I really would be a lawbreaker.

19 “For through the law I died to the law so that I might live for God. 20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 21 I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!” (NIV)

Two well-dressed Jewish fathers came to their rabbi.  “Rabbi, I do not understand my son,” said the first father.  “I spent $25,000 on his bar mitzvah. I sent him to the finest Hebrew school.  Just last week he tells me he is a Christian.” “Funny you should ask,” said the second father.  “I am here for the same reason.  Rabbi what can you tell us?” “Funny you should ask,” said the Rabbi.  “I, a Rabbi, and my own son came to me and said he became a Christian.” “What did you do?” asked the two men. “I talked to God,” said the Rabbi. “And, what did God say?” God, he said to me, “Funny you should ask!”

When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Church in Galatia, he seemed to have just the opposite kind of problem. For Paul, Jesus Christ set all people free from the intricate rules of the Hebrew tradition. And yet wherever he went he was forced to confront disbelief. Though Jesus Christ himself claimed to offer freedom from the law, many of his follower who had grown up under strict guidelines had enormous difficulty letting go and this meant also that they had great difficulty accepting the freedom and grace that they had been gifted with.

The Judaizers’ were a group of Jewish Christians who taught that to become a Christian one must first continue to follow all of the Old Testament codes. They insisted on circumcision, that all of the Jewish calendar be followed, and holidays be observed. They insisted that Christians must be Jewish first and followers of Jesus second. Where Jesus had spoken of the Greatest Commandment and the fulfillment of the Law, the Judaizers spoke of dietary laws and cleansing rituals. They said who you could eat with and who you could not. They told you when and where men were allowed to speak with women. They wanted genders separated during worship. They said who you could talk to at all and who you could not. They said who you could help and who you could not and who you could tell the gospel to and who you could not. They wanted people to follow the whole law of Moses… but also additional laws that they had added to the Bible as well (as if the Bible wasn’t big enough already). Although Christ had offered freedom from the Law, they could not accept this. And … whenever Paul went to start a new church, the Judaizers would swoop in just after he left and start changing all his teachings and making demands of their own.

Nothing could have made Paul angrier. And with that in my mind, this is where we get some of the most interesting sections in the entire Bible. Most people after all don’t generally think of the bible as being something that contains debates or insults. But case in point … In 2 Corinthians Paul sarcastically refers to the Judaizers as, “Super-Apostles” as a joke. But he also calls them “false teachers”, worst yet, “mutilators of the flesh” and with his usual tongue in check way about him, Paul even tells them that that if they insist on circumcising people that he hopes they cut off more than they bargain for.

But Paul is not only at odds with the Judaizers. He seems to find their influence wherever he goes. He seems to find people that are unwilling to accept the free gift of forgiveness and instead finds people who are attempting to work themselves into a relationship with God.

This is no more apparent than in the book of Galatians read from here today. In Galatians tells us that while he was meeting with the apostles in Jerusalem he saw the Judaizers influence there as well, and so he spoke with the apostles about what he saw. In defense of his faith and in anger at the influence of the Judaizers Paul even attacks the Apostles in Jerusalem themselves. He says of the apostles their, “those who seemed to be important” and more sarcastically yet (as if he were laughing while he said it, as, “those who are said to be pillars of the faith” (2:6, 9). And perhaps even more insulting than this in the reading just prior to what was read here today, Paul says (And I have to say, I really love to picture this – because it is so interesting) “11But when (A)Cephas (The Apostle Peter) came to (B)Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. 12 For prior to the coming of certain men from (C)James, he used to (D)eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he began to withdraw and hold himself aloof, (E)fearing the party of the circumcision. 13The rest of the them, then joined him in that hypocrisy, with the result that even (F)Barnabas (one of Paul’s best friends who helped establish some of these churches) was carried away by their hypocrisy.  14But when I saw that they (G)were not straightforward about (H)the truth of the gospel, I said to (I)the Apostle Peter in the presence of all, ” Peter, you are a Jew, but you live like a Gentile. So how can you force Gentiles to live like Jews?”

Paul standing in front of everyone (without argument, the most important people the church has ever known outside of Jesus Christ himself), he tells us that he “opposed [the Apostle Peter] to his face”. I can’t help but get this picture in my head of Paul standing nose to nose with Peter (all of the other apostles standing in awe with their jaws on the floor) while Paul is saying, “You’re not fooling anybody! I’ve seen how you live”.

What’s sad about this incident is that Peter had begun to put aside his bias’ and accept people who were not born Jews. He had begun to eat with us. He had begun to worship alongside us; to treat us as equals. And now because of the Judaizers he has started reverting back to his old ways.

Peter knows the free gift of grace from God perhaps better than anyone else on earth and yet he simply can’t believe it. Paul wants to know, Why are you letting yourselves be influenced by these people? Why do you want to subjugate yourselves to these rules? Why do you want to revert back to a system that excludes people and piles guidelines upon guidelines when the law is already fulfilled? Why would these men demand that people become “slaves to the law” when as Paul says, “there is freedom in Christ”?

Now don’t get me wrong, Paul does not see the laws of the Old Testament as useless. He says, in 1 Tim. 1:8 “The law is good, if one uses the law lawfully! The problem he has with the Judaizers is that Christ himself said that he came to fulfill the law. In Matthew 5:17 Jesus says, “Do not think that I came to destroy the law or the prophets but to fulfill the law.”

Now I’m going to explain the entire Bible to you in one paragraph:

In the opening chapters of the bible we see all of creation in perfect harmony with God. And then sin destroys that harmony separating God’s people from Him. In order to be made acceptable to God again; to be allowed back into His presence, a person had to be forgiven of his/her sins. Animals were used in this way as sacrifices by people who believed in God’s grace (that he would accept true repentance). These were innocent creatures that were thought to take the blame of the offending sinner. By the time of the prophets however God began to reveal to his people that there was to come a perfect sacrifice “a lamb of God”. He himself (the most innocent) would suffer the punishment on all of our behalves and serve as the final sacrifice for all time for all who believed. These restrictions of who could know God, these dividing peopling into the categories of Jew and Gentile, Slave or Free, Male or Female – that they would all be washed away. And Christ fulfilled that law.

A mother tells this story about her young son. She says: My little boy came into the kitchen one evening while I was fixing supper and he handed me a piece of paper he’d been writing on.  After wiping my hands on my apron, I read it, and this is what it said:

For mowing the grass, $5.     For making my own bed this week, $1.     For going to the store when I didn’t want to $.50.     For playing with baby brother $10.00     For taking out the trash, $1.     For helping in the yard, $2.

The mother looked down at her beautiful son, standing there expectantly, and a thousand memories flashed through her mind. She calmly picked up the paper he had given me, and turning it over, and on the back she wrote:

For the nine months I carried you, growing inside me.       No ChargeFor the nights I sat up with you, doctored you back to health and prayed endlessly for you to get better.      No Charge. For the time and the tears, and all the bills I’ve struggled to make.      No ChargeFor the nights filled with dread, and the worries that will never stop.       No Charge.For the advice I will give, whether you take it or not.     No Charge.      For the toys, clothes and the food, and for wiping your nose and changing your diapers.     No Charge.For anything you ever need.      No Charge.

This is what Paul is telling the Galatians. This is why he is angry with Peter and why the Judaizers anger him so much. After everything they have seen and done… after everything Christ had done for them – they still could not believe the free gift of salvation He offered them. They were still trying to earn their way into heaven with just one more ritual or just one more good deed.

Paul stood up in anger and said, “What is wrong with you?” He said “We were born Jews, We should already know this”. He says “Why do you want to return to the rules and confinement of a system that has already been fulfilled?” He said, “I have died to the Law so that I might live for God”. “I have been crucified with Christ” and so “Christ lives in me”. The Law has been fulfilled. It has already happened – We are already Free! And then like a spear to the chest he says “if righteousness comes from following the law and not by grace then Christ’s death means nothing”. If we can earn our way into God’s good graces then the death of Christ did nothing.

And that is where the readings for today come in:

15″We are (K)Jews by nature and not (L)like those from among the Gentiles; 16nevertheless knowing that (M)a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by (N)faith in Christ and not by the works of the Law; since (O)by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified.” (vs17-18 Omitted) 19″For through the Law I (S)died to the Law, so that I might live to God.  20″I have been (T)crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but (U)Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in (V)the Son of God, who (W)loved me and (X)gave Himself up for me.  21″I do not nullify the grace of God, for (Y)if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly.”

But this is what makes Christianity unique. It says that you cannot earn your way into Gods favor. It says, God simply forgives by His own grace; by His own works, by His own sacrifice and His own son.

For everything you ever do in life… for the free gift of salvation for all who believe our Father in heaven declares to you this day, No Charge.

Song: O Lord, our Lord, how majestic (409)

We respond to serve God: Our time of giving

Reflection on giving: Christmas isn’t over for us! We celebrate God’s gift in Christ Jesus again and again. Grateful for all we have received, we express our love for God in our gifts this day and affirm our commitment to share God’s love with others in the year ahead.

Prayer of Dedication

Good and gracious God, your love overflows in the goodness we have met even in challenging times. As one year closes and another begins, help us trust your goodness. Bless these gifts so that they may provide others with the hope we know in Christ Jesus and the love you share with the world through him.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

God of love, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Saviour, we are filled with thanks that he has shared human life, and knows well both our joys and heartaches.

We bring our prayers for the world you love, grateful that Jesus walks ahead of us into the year ahead.

We pray for all children for they embody our future.

Protect them from danger, strengthen their characters, and give them joy.

Help them look to the future with hope and trust.

God of the ages,

Hear our prayer.

We pray for the most aged among us, those whom Simeon and Anna bring to mind.

Protect them in these days of rising costs and rising tensions, and reassure them of their value to you and to the whole community.

God of the ages,

Hear our prayer.

We pray for those whose hearts are filled with pain and fear and for those whose Christmas has been touched with loss or grief.

Surround each one with your comforting embrace.

God of the ages,

Hear our prayer.

We pray for those who cannot afford enough to eat, and for those who lack adequate shelter here and in desperate corners of the world.

We pray for those who fear violence in their daily lives here and in so many regions of conflict.

And we pray for those whose are anxious about the year ahead for whatever reason,

Grant each one the courage and strength to face the days ahead.

God of the ages,

Hear our prayer.

As this year draws to a close, we surrender to you, O God, the challenges it has held for us so that they will not remain as burdens.

Remind us of the good things that have offered us encouragement and pleasure.

Give us wisdom to navigate whatever the coming year brings.

God of the ages,

Hear our prayer.

In the new year, grant our leaders the wisdom and generosity of spirit to collaborate on decisions they face for the wellbeing of society and of the earth itself.

Inspire us all with the hope, joy and peace we find through trusting you,

Song: Standing at the portal (811)

Sending out with God’s blessing

Rejoice this day that Christ is born for us, lived as one of us, died for our sake, and is risen to walk beside us through whatever the future holds.

So may the tenderness of God enfold you, the promise of the Christ uphold you, and the strength of the Spirit lead you on, to greet the year ahead, filled with grace and truth. Amen.

Response: Auld lang syne

Music postlude


Numbers in brackets after a song/hymn indicate that it is from the 1997 Book of Praise of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Those and other songs are being used in accordance with the specifications of Dayspring’s licensing with One Licence (3095377) and CLC (A735555).

The Rev. Brad Childs retains the copyright (© 2023) on all original material in this service. As far as Brad Childs is aware, all of the material that has not been attributed to others is his own creation or is in the public domain. Unacknowledged use of copyrighted material is unintentional and will be corrected immediately upon notification being received.


Worship on the Lord’s Day
Advent 4      10:00 am       24 December 2023
Online & Onsite (Mixed Presence) Gathering as a Worshipping Community
Led by the Rev Brad Childs
Music director: Binu Kapadia     Vocalist: Fionna McCrostie
Elder: Gina Kottke

We gather to worship God

Music prelude

L: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
P: and also with you.

Welcome and announcements
Silent preparation for worship

Lighting of the Candle of Love
Voice 1: The prophets call and the psalmists sing to announce that God is love.
Voice 2: “For the mountain may depart and the hills may be moved, but my steadfast love shall never depart from you…and my covenant of peace shall not be removed, says the Lord who has compassion on you.” (Isaiah 54)
“Give thanks to the LORD, who is good…give thanks to the Lord of lords, whose steadfast love endures forever.” (Psalm 136)
Voice 1: From the mystery of God’s love came our creation and we are nurtured daily by it. The power of God’s love is transformative; because we have received God’s love, we cannot remain the same. Love means seeking the best for others. Love is compassion for all creation. Love speaks the truth with kindness. Love is the way of seeing others as God sees them.
Voice 2: Holy are you, Source of all new life among us.
All: Jesus Christ is the love of God come into the world.
Voice 2: We join with all creation and lift our hearts in joyful praise.
All: We light this candle to burn for love.  (The Advent candle is lit)

Opening praise: Hope is a star (119)

Prayers of approach and confession

Our Lord the world is often messy.

But life is also beautiful and full of surprises.

At this time of year, there is great anticipation and people far and wide come to celebrate with us.

And while not everyone celebrates the coming of your son, we also recognize that as He said, “Those who are not against us are for us” and so we welcome any and all to experience some measure of your love this season even if they don’t worship as we do.

We thank you that peoples all over are being inspired to think beyond themselves, to be charitable, to spend more time with family, to think more about those they love and to present friends and neighbors with gifts to show they care. We celebrate you and and they with us.

Lord your name is praised.

And yet, Father we must also admit our corner of the world is more joyous than many others.

And we must admit that the Christmas peace, hope, joy, and love that we experience is too often temporal and based on the whims of our feelings.

As we come together this season remind us that we should do it more often.
As we seek to more charitable we asks that you make charity a more regular offering for us.

As we attempt to be more friendly remind us that nothing stops us from friendlness the rest of the year.

As we give to those we love, reminds us that we don’t need reasons to lavish praise and presents on people we truly cherish.

God too often we forget how blessed we are. And too many things we have taken for granted.

Forgive us and lead us forward as we seek to bring Christmas blessings to the world all year round.

Response: I will trust in the Lord

Assurance of God’s grace

You like Mary have found favor with God. For all God’s people… You are forgiven. Be blessed and be a blessing. Amen

Musical Offering: O come all you unfaithful (Binu and Fionna)

We listen for the voice of God

Children’s time

Response: Open our eyes, Lord (445)

Story: Mary had a little lamb

Many years ago, a woman named Sarah Hale wrote one of the best-known and best-loved children’s poems ever written. Most of you probably know that poem. It is “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” It goes like this:

Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go.

Christmas will be here soon — the day we celebrate the birthday of Jesus. In our Bible reading today, we read about an angel who appeared to Mary and told her that she would have a child and that she would name him Jesus. Sometimes, Jesus is called “The Lamb of God,” and since Jesus’ mother was named Mary, I thought I would read a new poem called “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” It may never be as popular as the original poem, but it might help us to remember the true meaning of Christmas.

Mary had a little Lamb,
He was born on Christmas day.
She laid him in a manger bed
To Sleep upon the hay.

Angels filled the night-time sky
And they began to sing.
Shepherds heard them all proclaim
The birthday of a King.

Wise men saw a blazing star
Up in the sky that night.
They followed it until they found
The King of love and light.

Mary had a little Lamb,
But He wasn’t hers, you know,
He was the very Son of God,
The One who loves us so.

The Father of this little Lamb
Loved the world so much
That He sent his only Son to earth
So we could feel His touch.

He came to give us joy and peace
And take away our sin.
So when He knocks on your heart’s door,
Be sure to let Him in.

Why do I love this precious Lamb?
What can the reason be?
The answer is quite plain to see,
It’s because He first loved me!


It’s a beautiful little poem and a good reminder about what this season is really about. So when you hear Mary had a little lamb the next time wonder about the other Mary and the other lamb.

Prayer : Our God, we thank you for life. We thank you for our families and our homes and the people that we love back. Our God, we pray that you would make us more caring and kinder with the people that we say we love. And that we prove it with our actions.

The Lord’s Prayer (535)

Transition music

Song: To a maid whose name was Mary (130)

Today’s Message

Scripture: Romans 16:25-27 and Luke 1:26-38

Response: My Lord, he is a comin’ soon

Message: Love

It’s Christmas time, & Lucy comes in where Charlie Brown is standing & says, “Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown. `Tis the season of peace on earth & good will toward men. Therefore, I suggest we forget all our differences & love one another.”

Charlie Brown, whose face lights up at this idea immediately, says, “That’s wonderful, Lucy. I’m so glad you said that. But tell me, do we have to love each other only at this season of the year? Why can’t we love each other all year long?” To which Lucy quickly retorts, “What are you, a fanatic or something?”

You know, I have to say… If wanting to love one another all year round is what makes a person a religious fanatic, then I hope this church is filled with religious fanatics every day its doors are open.

It’s a shame that Christmas is a season at all. I wish it were a normal. I pray that everyone like Scrooge at the end of A Christmas Carol might also say, “I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year.”

But the problem is simple. It’s easy to be nice when everyone else is also trying to be nice.

Now I’m guessing maybe not a lot of you know about the Ozarks. But that was the family vacation hot spot when I was a kid. The Ozarks are an extremely gorgeous highlands region in the central U.S.A. They cover the extreme southeastern ridge of Kansas, north Arkansas and about half of southern Missouri. Silver Dollar City and Branson Missouri are right in the heart of it. One is a theme park and the other was built to be a kind of family friendly Las Vegas. In the 1980’s when conservative Christians in the U.S. were boycotting Disney for being too liberal the Ozarks were like a mecca for the uptight. At the time, my parents fit right in. I spent a good chunk of my summer childhood in the Dolly Parton Theater. And I must admit I would love to take my kids to see the live action old west. It was pretty cool. It’s like a whole town filled with actors carrying on like they are back in Dodge City, Kansas with Wyatt Earp. This is because Disney was evil but gun fights were just fine – I guess.

Anyway they have this huge Passion Play that runs year round. And a number of years ago a certain actor was named to play the role of Jesus.

As he carried the cross up the hill a tourist began heckling, making fun of him, & shouting insults at him. Finally, the actor had taken all of it he could take. So he litterally threw down. I mean he threw down his cross, walked over to the tourist, & punched him out.

After the play was over, (in other words right then and there) the director told him, “I know he was a pest, but I can’t condone what you did. Besides, you’re playing the part of Jesus, & Jesus never retaliated. Surprisingly the man was not fired (this is true story by the way).

The director understood but he told the actor, “Don’t do anything like that ever again.” Well, the man promised he wouldn’t. But the next day the heckler was back worse than before, & finally the actor exploded & punched him out again.

Very understandably the director said, “That’s it. I have to fire you. We just can’t have you behaving this way while playing the part of Jesus.” The actor begged, “Please give me one more chance. I really need this job, & I can handle it if it happens again.” So the director decided to give him another chance.

For some insane reason (I cannot imagine why) he got another change. The next day the actor was carrying his cross up the street. Sure enough, the heckler was there again. You could tell that the actor was really trying to control himself, but it was about to get the best of him. He was clinching his fists & grinding his teeth. Finally, he stared the man down, marched up to that heckler and said, “I’ll meet you after the resurrection!”


The weird thing is… in a way we all do the same thing.

We call ourselves Christians, that word literally means “little Christ’s”. We are in fact called to play the role in Christ in this world in every single thing we do. Do we really do much better?

I must confess, I think we fail so often to bring love into the world and peace on earth, not because we are bad people, or even because we’re pushed too far but because we are largely apathetic. In other words, though we should be fanatics our enthusiasm fades because if you hear them enough, even the greatest stories ever told start to seem old and worn.

It doesn’t mean we aren’t loving people or are bad Christians it just means that we actually take love for granted so much that we forget to be loving. And we all do it.

This week I read this little assessment titled The Stages of a Cold. It goes like this:

“How does a typical husband respond when his wife comes down with a cold?

In the first year of marriage: Sugar Dumpling, I’m really worried about my baby. You’ve got a bad sniffle and there no telling about these things with all the terrible viruses that are going around these days. I’m talking you to the hospital, Dear where I’ve reserved a private room for you. And I know the food’s lousy, so I’ll bring all your meals from your favorite restaurant. I’ve already made the arrangements.

Second year of marriage: Listen Darling, I don’t like the sound of that cough and I’ve called the doctor to rush right over.

Third year of marriage: Maybe you’d better lie down, honey. Nothing like a little rest when you’re feeling lousy. I’ll bring you something. Do we have any canned soup?

Fourth year of marriage: Now look dear, be sensible. After you feed the kids, do the dishes and mop up, you should get some rest.

Fifth year of marriage: Eh, that sounds bad. Why don’t you take a couple aspirin?

Every year of marriage after: For Pete’s sake, stop all that sneezing. What are trying to do give me pneumonia? (Hot ill green, pg155)

There’s actually a lot of truth in that assesment. Maybe not quite that bad but what if you treated your spouse every day like you did the day you proposed or what if you treated your friends every day like you did the day you found out they needed you the most?

See, It’s not that we don’t love our spouses but being that we are around each other so much, we all tend to take each other for granted.

It takes special occasions like, anniversaries and birthdays to shock us back into reality about how we should really be treating each other every day.

Christmas does that for us too.

In December of 1999 Glen Zander of Portland Organ was writing for his local paper when one day out of the blue he received a very interesting call and immediately went out to conduct and interview.

It seems the owner of a drive through coffee bar in Portland was surprised one morning when a customer not only paid for her mocha but also paid for the person behind her in line. Now that’s not terribly odd as it happens from time to time. But then that second customer was so pleased that she bought a coffee for the next customer. According to the barista, this string of kindnesses – one stranger paying for another, continued for two hours and twenty seven customers in a row. What’s more, apparently it only ended because the last person had actually forgotten his wallet. (1001 ill, pg504) If that hadn’t happened, I wonder how long it might have gone on?

About this time of year we start hearing a lot of about people trying to take the Christ out of Christmas. Interestingly I got a thing from a friend on Facebook from the Catholic Press that said “Protestants, taking the Mass out of Christmas for 400 years.” Fair point.

But maybe the problem isn’t that other people are trying to take the Christ out of Christmas (though that happens). Maybe the bigger problem is that we take the Christ out of the whole rest of the year.

1 John 4:9 says that “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world so that we might live through him”. (That our lives might be loving – like his.)

So maybe the best way to put Christ back into Christmas is to live like Christmas is every day!

My prayer for us today is that we might be that very thing for the world, which we claim to be all year round, “Little Christ’s”. “My prayer is that peace and good will towards men”, might be something we can strive for as much in July as we do the last two weeks of December. My prayer is that we all wake up on December 26th and discover that… (According to Lucy at least) we’re all still a bunch of fanatics.)

Song: Come, Thou long-expected Jesus (110)

We respond to serve God: Our time of giving

Reflection on giving: Dayspring is empowered to carry out our mission of worship, service, and care by generously given volunteer time, talent, and treasure. Many thanks to all who give so generously!

Prayer of love

Child of Bethlehem, as your birth draws near,
may we draw near to you. May we kneel with
the shepherds and the wise men in the humble
stable and give thanks.

Child of Mary, born in us today, make us mindful
of your presence through the Christmas season.
Help us to remember that it is your birth that we
celebrate and it is for your life that we give you praise.

Child of us all, we give thanks today that you
were born to us. In the darkness of long ago
you came to bring food to the hungry, justice to
the oppressed and a home to the homeless. Help us to do the same.

You are with us still, bringing to fulfillment your
order of love. May we do likewise.

Wherever we can be of use, put us to use,
Where there are phone calls to be made,
Where there are prayers to be offered,
Where there are gifts to be given,
Where there are lonely people in need of company
Where there are sick in need of comfort
Where there are leaders that need prayer
Where there is food in want
Where clear water in need
Let us share your love,

Let us be an answered prayer,
Let us be your hands we pray

And in all things we give you praise. Amen.

Song: O little town of Bethlehem (164)

Sending out with God’s blessing

May you live within the light of love in these coming days. May love call forth the songs you sing. May love enliven your celebrations. May love be within you, and may love surround you. May you know – deeply know – the abundance of God’s steadfast love.

Response: Gloria in excelsis

Music postlude


Numbers in brackets after a song/hymn indicate that it is from the 1997 Book of Praise of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Those and other songs are being used in accordance with the specifications of Dayspring’s licensing with One Licence (3095377) and CLC (A735555).

The Rev. Brad Childs retains the copyright (© 2023) on all original material in this service. As far as Brad Childs is aware, all of the material that has not been attributed to others is his own creation or is in the public domain. Unacknowledged use of copyrighted material is unintentional and will be corrected immediately upon notification being received.

Joy: A Christmas Pageant

Worship on the Lord’s Day
Advent 3      10:00 am      17 December 2023
Online & Onsite (Mixed Presence) Gathering as a Worshipping Community
Led by the Rev Brad Childs
Music director: Binu Kapadia     Vocalist: Glynnis McCrostie
Elder: Darlene Eerkes

We gather to worship God

Music prelude

L: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
P: and also with you.

Welcome and announcements
Silent preparation for worship

Call to Worship:  Joy

Voice 1: The prophets call and an apostle writes to announce that joy comes from God.
Voice 2: “The spirit of the Lord God is upon me and has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, to comfort all who mourn; to give them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning.”  (Isaiah 61)
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice.”  (Philippians 4)
Voice 1: Grief, pain and loss are inevitable. But woven into life is the joy of living in a universe that reflects God’s beauty. Advent provides time to nurture joy in our lives and in the world God loves. Advent calls us to share with others the good news that comes into the world with the birth of Christ.
Voice 2: Holy are you, Source of all new life among us.
All: Jesus Christ comes as joy to the world.
Voice 2: We join with all creation and lift our hearts in joyful praise.
All: We light this candle to glow for joy. (while lighting the candle of joy)

Opening praise: Hope is a star (119:vss; 1-3)

The Candy Cane Legend

The Shepherd’s Staff: He chose to make the candy cane in the shape of a shepherd’s staff. After all, Jesus is the shepherd to his followers and the Bible notes that the “sheep” would hear His voice and follow him (Psalm 23:1, John 10:11, John 10:27-30, Isaiah 40:11).

The Letter J for Jesus: Not only was the candy cane in the shape of a staff, but when held upside down, it formed a “J,” which stood for Jesus (Luke 1:31, Matthew 1:21).

He is A Rock: The candy maker chose hard candy for the candy cane, which was done to remind children that Jesus was our “rock,” dependable and strong (Psalm 31:3).

By His Stripes: Wide red stripes were added to the candy cane, representative of the crucifixion and the blood Jesus shed for our sins.

Red-His Shed Blood: Through his blood, we are given salvation and life (Revelation 1:5, John 3:16, Luke 22:20).

White-Purification from Sin: There are also white stripes on the candy cane, which represents the holiness, and purity of Jesus, who was sinless (I John 1:7).

Sweet Fragrance of Christ: Peppermint was the flavor that the candy maker chose for the candy cane. Peppermint was very similar to hyssop, which was used for sacrifice and purification in the Old Testament, reminding us of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. It also reminds us of the spices brought by the Wise Men when they came to visit Jesus (Psalm 51:7, John 10:29, Matthew 2:11).

Broken For Us: Of course, when the candy cane is eaten, it is often broken, which the candy maker meant as a reminder that when Jesus was crucified, his body was broken (I Cor. 11:24).

Love of Christ: The candy cane was also made to be given as a gift, representing the love of Jesus when he gave us the gift of salvation.

Although no one is quite sure if the legend of the candy cane is really true, the beauty of the legend is such a reminder of God’s love for us around Christmas. In this legend, it was a way that the candy maker could tell the children the story of Christmas and still today, we have candy canes as a reminder of the real reason we celebrate Christmas.


Christmas Pageant

It would be impossible to adequately present, in writing, the story enacted in the Pageant by the Dayspring congregation. Many people participated in making it happen. So we are presenting the opening and closing remarks. If you want to know what happened in between, please use the following link to the videorecording of the pageant.

Pageant Introduction

Welcome to our Dayspring Christmas Pageant! We would like to present a unique, inclusive, and relevant retelling of the Nativity story, engaging both the actors and the audience in a contemporary exploration of the timeless themes of Christmas. Today, we find God in unexpected places. Characterizing Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the wise men as contemporary figures facing issues of homelessness, community support, and societal responses, we hope to add depth and relatability to the story. The scenes incorporate carols as transitional music, comedic moments, playful angels, and hopefully a touch of charm. Our angel is a street corner preacher. Hope, Peace, Joy and Love are his messages. Be aware the congregation is not just “watching a show.” You may be involved! And finally, the conclusion is put as an invitation for introspection and personal reflection on how to respond to the message of the Nativity. We ask that you please remain seated during the carols, so you don’t miss any of the action happening on and around the stage. Let’s begin with the carol O Come, O Come Emmanuel.

> > > > >

And now we’ve come to the end of our play. Or maybe it’s the beginning. Where did we start and where did we end up? The real ending is what happens next. And what happens next is up to you. You’ve heard and seen the story from many perspectives: a tent community, young and old angels, some cowboys, local citizens, a politician, and an Encampment Response Team. This is Advent. It’s a time for Hope. Peace. Joy. Love. Those are action words. Which ones describe your Advent? Which ones have been slumbering and need to be woken up? What are you waiting for?

We respond to serve God: Our time of giving

Reflection on giving: Dayspring is empowered to carry out our mission of worship, service, and care by generously given volunteer time, talent, and treasure. Many thanks to all who give so generously!

Sending out with God’s blessing

We are not what we have.
We are not, what we do.
And we are not what people say.
We are, in fact, the children of God and no one takes that away.
There’s nothing we can do to make God love us less.
Or more.
We don’t have to hurry or worry.
Christ has settled the score.
Rest in him this Christmas season.
Go to love and serve the Lord – and also his image everywhere.

Response: Go tell it on the mountain (133)

Music postlude


Numbers in brackets after a song/hymn indicate that it is from the 1997 Book of Praise of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Those and other songs are being used in accordance with the specifications of Dayspring’s licensing with One Licence (3095377) and CLC (A735555).

The pageant text was developed by Andrea Gartrell with input from several others and they retain copyright (© 2023) on all original material in this service. As far as we are aware, all of the material that has not been attributed to others is their own creation or is in the public domain. Unacknowledged use of copyrighted material is unintentional and will be corrected immediately upon notification being received.


Worship on the Lord’s Day
Advent 2     10 December 2023      10:00 am
Online & Onsite (Mixed Presence) Gathering as a Worshipping Community
Led by the Rev Brad Childs
Music director: Binu Kapadia     Guest Violinist: Rob Hryciw     Vocalist: Linda F-B
Elder: Heather Tansem     Advent Liturgy: Iris, Sarah, and Ruth

We gather to worship God

Music prelude

L: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
P: and also with you.

Welcome and announcements
Silent preparation for worship

Call to Worship
Advent Liturgy for the Second Sunday in Advent: PEACE
Voice 1: The prophets call and an apostle writes that peace comes from God.
Voice 2: “For a child has been born for us…and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. …and there shall be endless peace.”  (Isaiah 9)
“The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4)
Voice 1: The world, our relationships and our lives are all too often torn by conflict and injustice. Advent calls us to pray and work for peace—shalom—in the world God loves and to which Christ came. But God’s shalom is not simply the absence of conflict. Shalom is the peace that comes when we live life in the balance, loving God and one another.
Voice 2: Holy are you, Source of all new life among us.
All: Jesus Christ comes as the Prince of Peace.
Voice 2: We join with all creation and lift our hearts in joyful praise.
All: We light this candle to shine for peace. (while lighting the candle of peace)

Opening praise: Hope is a star (119: vss 1-2)

Prayers of approach and confession

God of purpose and promise, you love the breadth and depth of your creation and care for us like shepherds tend their sheep.

You set pathways for us to follow, clearing the way in the wilderness of the world.

And yet we break your heart by wandering off, pursuing our own purposes.

Still, you keep calling us back.

You call us by name in our baptisms.

You set us in the world to serve you, each one with a purpose you imagine for us.

And so we come to worship you, O God, knowing that in you, we will find our true purpose, and the path you set will lead to peace and well-being in your deep love, revealed for us in Christ Jesus.

God of mercy, we confess that we resist change, even when your Word compels us to reconsider our actions or opinions.

We are set in our ways, and prefer to consider the changes others should make.

Forgive us.

By the power of your Holy Spirit, give us new eyes for seeing, new ears for hearing so that we follow Jesus more faithfully day by day.

Response: Glory, Glory, hallelujah

Assurance of God’s grace

Friends, trust that peace and forgiveness are God’s gift to you this day through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Receive the renewing power of the Holy Spirit and be at peace with God, with yourselves and with each other.

Special Music: Piano and Violin (Binu Kapadia & Rob Hryciw)

We listen for the voice of God

Children’s time

Response: Open our eyes, Lord (445)

Who knows what this is? Yes – it’s the Christ Candle.

Why do we light the Christ Candle?

We light it as a sign that the light of Christ is with us in this worship period.

During Advent, we have these 4 candles around the Christ Candle, and we don’t usually light the regular Christ candle during Advent.

Why to we light these four candles – three purple and one pink? Hope, peace, joy, love, right? And we light them every year at this time.

The 4 candles of Advent remind us that we’re waiting for Christmas morning when the baby Jesus arrived.

Then we light the Christ Candle all year long as a sign that Christ is present with us. And here’s the weird thing though.

We do this pretty much every Sunday, right? We can’t just light these candles and leave them lit. We have to re-light them every Sunday.

We’d burn the church down. In the old temple in Solomon’s temple, they let it burn all the time. But we blow them out for safety reasons. And then we come back the next Sunday and relight them.

In our scripture readings, it talks about how God takes the remnants of the old and repurposes them for the new. God actually takes the broken or what’s left and makes something amazing from it. He does what we do with the lights.

God lights your lives. He lights up countries, nations, everything again and he takes what was used a long time ago but was snuffed out and re-lights it.

What we do with these candles, God does with our  lives.

Prayer: Our God, we thank you for your presence with us. We know that even if we blow that candle out, you’re still here. We know that as we are lighting candles of waiting, you’re already here.

Our God, we know that you take the things of old and you make them new again, that you relight lives and you change the world.

God bring hope and bring peace to this world.

The Lord’s Prayer (535)

Transition music

Song: There’s a voice in the wilderness crying (128(

Today’s Message

Scripture: 2 Peter 3:8-15a & Mark 1:1-8

Response: My Lord, he’s a-comin’ soon

Message: Peace

Montreal is both wonderful and an absolute pain to get around. To McGill, it’s pretty straightforward no matter where you are: you take the train to the metro and walk the underground malls up to school. On the surface, if you’re a pedestrian or a bike, you do whatever you want; whenever you want, you just accept that horns will honk. But that’s up to the University. The rest of the Island is… insane.

The drivers are pretty spectacular. They aren’t the issue. See, the problem is the signs. There are stop signs everywhere that nobody ever stops for. In Montreal, people press on the horn and run right through the sign instead of pushing on the brakes. No matter… they still keep putting signs up. They put a stop sign up in the middle of the street two blocks from our home, where there was no intersection. They put them on both sides of the street, too, right and left. Coming home from Wesley’s school, there was a road… I kid you not… with nine four-way stops on it. Also, for some reason, each area gets to design their signs – sometimes they are on the right, sometimes hanging overhead or sometimes on the left. In Lavalle, the stop signs are plastic, 3 inches thick, with glowing white sides lit up by light bulbs. In Mount Royal, sometimes the stop signs say Stop, sometimes they say Arret and sometimes they say Stop and then angry French-speaking youth graffiti over the “Stop” with “Arret.”

They use stop signs for everything, too. In Pointe-Claire, where we lived, they put them up instead of yield signs or speed bumps. But that’s not all that’s crazy. They also have oddball signs like double reds or reds with white outer flashing rings (I still don’t know what those mean). And there are double green arrow left turns (but posted on the right side of the road for some reason).

As you cross the bridge and enter the island, there is a huge sign telling everyone that it is illegal to turn right at a red light while in Montreal. As a result, when people come to a four-way stoplight… each side gets its turn at a green, making many stoplights a 6-minute wait or more. Crosswalks, too, are a pain. On West Island, if someone pushes the crosswalk button, all traffic stops in all directions, and pedestrians get a two-minute countdown clock and then walk diagonally across all four lanes to get where they’re going. On top of this, there are “no left-hand turn” signs and “no U-turn” signs all over the place. As a result, our family often had to drive 10-12 blocks past the place we wanted to go before we could legally turn and work our way back to the desired destination. We would have to drive six blocks out of our way to a place only seven blocks from our home—six blocks in a row with no left turn and no U-turn signs. We had to take this route often, which I would’ve given for a simple “U-turn” sign.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mark has this great way of starting his gospel: he says, “The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” And then, after saying that, Mark promptly does not talk about “Jesus Christ, the son of God.” Instead, Mark points to John the Baptist. And he does this by quoting John, who himself is quoting Isaiah. John’s words come from Isaiah 40:3: “A voice of one calling in the wilderness ‘prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.’” But then John also quotes from Malichi. 3:1 (mashing the two quotations together into a single one). He says, “I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me.” Interestingly (for at least), both quotes refer back to the angel sent to the Israelites in the desert who led the people into the promised land in Ex. 23:20). And yet, at the same time, both quotes and John’s use of them, were all also understood to be about (not the past but) the future. Everything about John said something about the future.

John the Baptist’s message is filled with images and words that resonate with the people. For example, Mark says, “John wore clothing made of camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey.” Why do we need to know this? This was really important for John and Mark’s first listeners and readers. John appeared on the scene exactly where Elijah was taken up into heaven. John came where the people expected him to return. John came wearing the same clothes Elijah did and eating the same food. Every year at Yom Kipper, Jewish families put out a plate and a chair for Elijah. They wait for the one to come, bringing the message “prepare the way,” “repent and be forgiven.” Mark… Mark says in subtle terms that John is the Elijah everyone has been waiting for.

At the time of Jesus and John, the desert was a sacred place for escape. It was also a place to flee to in times of trouble because it was beyond the military control of the cities. No matter what was happening in the world, the desert may have been the best place to find peace if you wanted peace.

The desert also held a lot of memories for the Jewish people. It was the place where the people wondered before entering the promised land, and the river Jordan (where John did his baptism) was the border they had crossed to get there.

Just by standing in that spot and saying those words, John conjured up a lot of feelings for a Jewish people living in that very same promised land but now run by the Romans. Mark says, “John came, baptizing in the desert region and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, he baptized them in the Jordan River.”

Now, it’s important to note that baptism was nothing new to the Jews.

Traditionally, Judaism used immersion (the Greek says “Baptizo” or “to plunge”) as a purification ritual. Baptizo is the same word used for washing clothes (you Baptizo or “plunge” them into the water). But the tradition of baptism goes back to the construction of King Solomon’s temple. Outside the Temple was the sacrificial altar where the people gave an offering for their sins, but there was also this gigantic bowl called “the brazen sea” where the priests were to bathe before religious ceremonies. In a sense (as with most of Christianity), baptism is a Jewish tradition first and as much as it is a Christian one. And that makes sense; Christianity is, in fact, a form of messianic Judaism. But John’s Jewish baptism seemed very different somehow.

In traditional Judaism, baptism was done for new converts, but it was also done before any formal worship rituals began. This meant that the priests bathed very often. Others… not so much. Yet, even for the ordinary person, this ritualistic washing was done at least thrice a year before each of Jerusalem’s three major pilgrim festivals. In John’s day, however (in the city), baptism became a fashion accessory or symbol of high status. Wealthy Jewish people living in Jerusalem had begun baptizing themselves all the time. Archaeologists have discovered over 150 early 1st-century baptismal pools. This is because wealthy Jewish families had immersion pools put into their homes. It became so popular that the Jewish religious leaders even had to come up with strict rules to follow to consider the pool to be “legitimate” and not just toys for the wealthy. To be an official immersion pool for ritual cleansing, the pools had two steps and a drying spot. They also had to hold at least forty seahs of water or 75 gallons (a large whirlpool tub holds 80). In short, what began as a rare religious rite (where people made themselves clean on the outside before asking God to make them clean on the inside)… well, it had pretty much just turned into bathing.

Now that’s not all bad. Bathing more than three times a year was probably a good thing.

In any case, ritual cleansing was certainly nothing new to first-century Jewish people. So what was so special about John then? Why did the whole city come out to be baptized by him in a river that, quite frankly – is pretty dirty?

What John was doing was very noticeably different.

John wasn’t concerned about a simple purification ritual. It was way more significant than that. His baptism was a one-time deal. John came “preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” He claimed to be able to do something only God could do… forgive.

For John, once you repent (and indeed mean it) (spiritually speaking…), you’re clean, so why would you ever need to do it again? This word he uses for “repent” says just that. The word he uses is μετάνοια metanoia meta-noi-a, and quite frankly, “repent” is not that great a translation. In classical Greek, the word is slightly different, being made up of both after and mind, but in the Konie form of Greek from Mark, the word means meta (turned) and noia (mind)… a turned… mind. The Greek lexicon refers to it as “a complete change of heart” and “a spiritual conversion.”

When John preaches repentance for the forgiveness of sins, he’s not talking about remorse. He’s not talking about feeling sorry. He’s talking about a complete about-face. He’s talking about an absolute change in direction. He’s talking about making a complete, life-changing U-turn. He’s talking about a clear and intentional shift in thinking and in actions. See, it’s not remorse, it’s not an apology he’s after… it’s turned mind.

A .W. Tozer once said, “A thousand years of remorse over a wrong act would not please God as much as a single turn in conduct.” I once heard it put this way, “Values are what we say we believe. Behaviour is a reflection of what we believe.”

To truly repent is to change one’s mind and change it so much so that we cannot help but change our very deeds as well. It’s a metanoia (a spiritual u-turn).

For all this talk of repentance, John sees it not as his primary point but rather as a means to an end. Don’t get me wrong, John wants to see repentance. It’s just not an end in and of itself. He says, “Repent for the forgiveness of sins.” This is what he cares about. It’s not people’s wrongs he cares about. It’s their forgiveness. John’s baptism is, at its heart, a mission of forgiveness. He wants people to know the grace of God. And what’s more, this forgiveness doesn’t come from him. John doesn’t want the accolades. John says he’s not even necessary. He wants people to repent, turn to God, and know His grace. John is just the messenger boy. He’s the “voice in the wilderness.” He cries out, “Make straight the paths” because you need to “Prepare the way for the Lord.” John says, “It’s not about me.” It’s all about Him.

Though Mark describes John’s fame vividly, fame was not what John wanted. Mark writes, “The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him,” but John didn’t like the attention. He was just the sign pointing people in the right direction; he wasn’t the destination. Yeah, he preached repentance, and yeah, he preached forgiveness, but Mark says, “And this was his [central] message:” “After me will come one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. 8 I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”

John didn’t bring the message. He just pointed to it. He was the messenger saying, “Something big is about to happen,”; “Something great is coming,” “so get ready for it,” and “Make straight the paths” (make straight the roads that lead out from slavery and into the promised land, repent and be forgiven) get ready! You cannot imagine what’s coming! In the words of that great hymn, “Let every heart prepare him room.”

There were beautiful things about living in Montreal. But the signs I will never miss. Driving around for block after block in the wrong direction (my destination slowly disappearing in my review mirror), I’d have given anything for a U-turn.

And that is what John was. He was a voice calling in the wilderness. In a world where the religious symbols and rites were becoming void of their true meaning and commercialized… He was a big giant neon sign pointing the way to Christ and telling people to get ready.

This year, as the advent season progresses and we move closer and closer to our destination, closer and closer to the coming of our Lord, let us make straight the paths in our lives. Let us all metanoia. Let us turn our minds towards him, knowing that our deeds will surely follow.

God bless you as you turn, make straight the paths and prepare him room. Amen.

Song: People in darkness (124)

We respond to serve God: Our time of giving

Reflection on giving: This Sunday in Advent celebrates God’s gift of peace. When we look around the world, we see so many places where peace is missing, in neighborhoods and nations. But because we know the gift of God’s peace, we can trust that our gifts will help restore true peace to souls and situations by the power of the Spirit.

Dedication: God of promise, we offer our gifts in Jesus’ name, for we know peace through his forgiveness and faithfulness. Bless our gifts and our lives. Help us share the peace you offer with lives that touch ours throughout the world you love. Amen.

Instrumental Music

Prayer of peace

God in whom we live and move and have our being: As we gather our thoughts in prayer, we are aware of so many challenges – in our own lives, in the lives of those we care about, and in the world around us.

We wonder how you will reveal yourself in response to so many different needs.

We trust that your heart is moved by the pain and potential in each precious life for you never give up on situations which we find overwhelming…

We pray for those who are in the headlines this week, for situations that concern us deeply, and for all who cry out to you in the face of overwhelming odds:

Keep silence for 15 seconds.

Draw near to them with courage and wisdom

We pray for those who are suffering in quiet corners of our community, remembering those who are ill; those who are bereaved; those who struggle with poverty or unemployment; and all who face barriers through discrimination or disability:

Keep silence for 15 seconds.

Draw near to them with compassion and support.

We pray for those who are waiting for something significant – for a birth or a death, for diagnosis or treatment, for important news or a new opportunity:

Keep silence for 15 seconds.

Draw near to them in peace and faithfulness.

We pray for those struggle with their faith and those who have given up on you because of actions taken in your name that betrayed your love;

Keep silence for 15 seconds.

Draw them back to you in this season of wonder and love. AMEN

Song: Lord whose love (722)

Sending out with God’s blessing

Go in peace this day, ready to bear fruit worthy of your commitment to Jesus Christ and his kingdom of justice and peace.

And may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Response: Amen, we praise your name, O God

Music postlude


Numbers in brackets after a song/hymn indicate that it is from the 1997 Book of Praise of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Those and other songs are being used in accordance with the specifications of Dayspring’s licensing with One Licence (3095377) and CLC (A735555).

The Rev. Brad Childs retains the copyright (© 2023) on all original material in this service. As far as Brad Childs is aware, all of the material that has not been attributed to others is his own creation or is in the public domain. Unacknowledged use of copyrighted material is unintentional and will be corrected immediately upon notification being received.


Worship on the Lord’s Day
First Sunday in Advent     03 December 2023    10:00 am
The Sacrament of Holy Communion
Online & Onsite (Mixed Presence) Gathering as a Worshipping Community
Led by the Rev. Brad Childs
Music Director: Binu Kapadia           Vocalist: Lynn Vaughan
Elder: Jane de Caen

We gather to worship God

Music prelude

L: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
P: and also with you.

Welcome and announcements
Silent preparation for worship

Call to Worship
Voice 1: The prophets call and the psalmist sings to announce that hope comes from God.
Voice 2: “O that you would tear open the heavens and come down, so that the mountains would quake at your presence.” (Isaiah 64)
“We shall see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.” (Psalm 27)
Voice 1: The world cries for justice and transformation. Advent summons us to watch, to wait and to hope. In the destruction of the current order is the promise of a new order beyond our imagination. Signs of hope are all around us if we have the patience to wait and to see them.
Voice 2: Holy are you, Source of all new life among us.
All: Jesus Christ comes as the hope of the world.
Voice 2: We join with all creation and lift our hearts in joyful praise.
All: We light this candle to bear witness to hope.

Lighting the candle of Hope

Opening praise: Hope is a star (119:vs 1)

Prayers of approach and confession

Creator God,
You made the heavens and the earth.
You set the planets in their courses, lit the sun with fire, caused the stars to shine and the world to turn.
Life springs up wherever your breath moves.
In Jesus Christ, you brought hope into a world full of fear and despair.
You sent your Spirit to enliven our hope and guide us on the way.
Now we wait in anxious times for the world to be made new.
Move in us and in all your creation to bring forth new life, while we wait with hope in your grace and goodness.

Redeeming God,
We confess that waiting is difficult when the world around us is on edge.
We are impatient with each other, waiting for someone to make a difference.
We are impatient with you, O God, waiting for a sign that things will improve.
Forgive us, O God.
Turn our hearts to you again and again, and show us how to act in hope for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Response: I waited, I waited on you, Lord

Assurance of God’s grace

Hear the Good News! There is nothing we have done, nothing we will ever do, that can separate us from the love of God made known in Jesus Christ. Take hope in this love, and live  as forgiven and forgiving people.

We listen for the voice of God

Song: All earth is waiting (109)

Scripture (NRSV): I Corinthians 1:3-9;  Mark 13:24-37; and Romans 8:18-25

Response: My Lord, he’s a comin’ soon

Message: Hope

A prominent speaker in the United Kingdom tells this story that carries us back to his boyhood. When he was six years old, his mother explained that if he ever needed help, he should dial “0” for the operator and ask for Information. One day, when the boy’s mother was away, his pet canary, which always sang for him seemed to be sick and unable to sing. He remembered what his mother had told him, dialed “0” for Operator and asked for Information just as he was told. Then he explained that his canary was ill. The operator, who just happened to know a lot about canaries, gave him some constructive advice and it was not long before the canary was happy and up singing again.

Thereafter, because of the success he had, the first time he called the boy began to believe, in his young impressionable mind, that the Operator was there to help him with all his life’s problems. And so, every time the boy was alone and needed help, he would dial for Operator. Since he lived in a very small town, it was the same operator who answered each time.

Sadly, one day the boys canary died, and the boy called the operator, who had become his closet friend, and asked if there was anything he could do to bring the canary back to life again. The kind woman simply comforted him and told the boy, “Remember this, no matter what becomes of life, there are other worlds in which to sing.”

I think Paul says essentially the same thing.

As the story goes, an older man goes to his doctor and says, “I don’t think my wife’s hearing is as good as it used to be. What should I do?”

The doctor replies, “Try this test to find out for sure. When your wife is in the kitchen doing dishes, stand 15 feet behind her and ask her a question. If she doesn’t respond keep moving closer, asking the question until she hears you. Then come back and see me with the results.”

So, the man goes home and sees his wife preparing dinner. He stands 15 feet behind her and says, “What’s for dinner, honey?” No response. He moves to 10 feet behind her and asks again “What’s for dinner, honey?” No response. Five feet… Not a sound.

Finally, he stands directly behind her and asks, “Honey, what’s for dinner?” And at that the man’s wife dropped her ladle. “For the fourth time Carl, I SAID CHICKEN!”

Like Carl and his hearing loss, we all face struggles in this life. Sometimes it’s something we can solve with a hearing aid. Sometimes it’s not.

Woody Allen once said, “Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering – and it’s all over much too soon.”

In a way, it’s the catch-22 of life. It’s beautiful and it’s glorious. But it’s also hard. As writer, Chuck Palahniuk writes, “On a long enough timeline everyone’s survival rate drops to zero.”

Facts are facts… Suffering is universal. It’s one of the many things that every human being on earth has in common.

When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Church suffering persecution in Rome, he was not oblivious to the reality of hardships himself. When we talk about Paul sometimes, we forget that he was a real man. He’s even found in Jewish writings in the first century because he was a student of a very influential Rabbi (named Gamaliel). And like everyone Paul had struggles. In fact, he bragged about it saying in 2 Corinthians saying, “I must be out of my mind for saying so”. Later he wrote to a group of people that bragged to him about how blessed they were saying, “I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. 24 Five times I received forty lashes minus one. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, 26 I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my fellow Jews, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false believers. 27 I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked (2 Cor. 11). And he has more. But I think you get the point.

He suffered quite a lot.

In preparation for flogging, the person’s two hands were bound, one on either side, to a pillar, and his clothing was torn to expose the chest and back. The lashes were administered with a strap consisting of three long leather hide thongs. Twenty-six blows were given to the back and thirteen blows to the chest (This according to the Hebrew writing m. Makkot 3:10-14). This was done for the most severe of non-capital crimes 39 times – because 40 was considered a death penalty. But truth be told, people died all the time from 39 just the same (though that person doing the whipping was technically supposed to get in trouble for that). When Paul writes that he was beaten with rods he talks about the Roman punishment of using Birchwood staff to break bones and permanently cripple the criminal. At a time when infections couldn’t be fought off, people often died from this too.

In Acts, Luke also tells us that Paul and Silas were both stripped and beaten.

In Lystra during his first visit, a mob of people followed him from Pisidian Antioch and Iconium and started a riot because he suggested that God had blessed people from every part of the world. They stirred up the crowd and eventually stoned Paul, drug him into the desert and left him for the animals to eat (Acts 14:8-20).

Yeah… he got better. But no doubt Paul understood what it was to suffer.

The thing is he didn’t let that become the thing that ruled his mind. He wrote, “18 I consider that our present sufferings are not even worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”

In Why We Can’t Wait, Martin Luther King Jr. put it this way, “Quietly endure, silently suffer and patiently wait.” It may not always feel like it… but there is a glory to come. If only more people lived that out today!

Paul continues saying, “22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved.”

Ruby and Arnold had adopted a baby boy after five years of trying unsuccessfully to conceive. To their surprise, and before the adoption had been finalized, Ruby discovered that she was finally pregnant. Ruby and Arnold decided to go ahead with the adoption anyway and she had a boy of her own only months after receiving their child from the adoption agency.

One day when her boys were both 8 years old a childhood friend came by to visit Ruby and her family. The friend hadn’t seen Ruby in years, but she understood Ruby had adopted one child. Sitting on a bench outside the old farmhouse the friend asked, “Which child is yours Ruby?” Taken aback a bit by the question, “Both of them” Ruby answered. “Oh, I’m sorry that must have sounded incredibly rude” said the friend with great apologies. “I didn’t mean it that way of course, what poor choice of words; forgive me.” “What I meant was, they both look very similar – which one was adopted?” “You know” said Ruby… “I’ve forgotten”. (From 750 Illustrations pg13)

Paul says, “you have received a spirit of adoption and are called children of God.”

And Paul’s understanding of adoption is different from ours. When we speak about adoption today, we are talking about taking a child that is not our own flesh and blood, and legally making them our own. And that happened in Paul’s day but that’s not what he means here.

Understand that the Romans and the Greeks had a ceremony called adoption or “the placing of the son” where a boy was declared a legal heir to an inheritance, called a man and given a toga as a sign of status. But the child was generally the father’s own flesh and blood being “adopted.”

I think Paul is making a very interesting point that is unfortunately lost in English translations. That being: In the Kingdom of God, there are no orphans; there are no stepchildren. God adopts his children… but we were really His to begin with anyway.

That’s why Paul also writes, “And if we are his children, then we are also his heirs, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ.

See, it’s not that people become Christians and all a sudden the world is made from ice cream and lollipops. Suffering is universal. But Paul writes to remind us that ultimately, we are under God’s care because we are His children.

The great Albert Einstein was on a train leaving Princeton Junction in New Jersey, heading north. When the conductor came to his seat, Einstein was unable to find his ticket. He searched through all his pockets and looked in his briefcase, becoming extremely disturbed. The conductor tried to comfort him, saying, “Dr. Einstein, don’t worry about the ticket. I know who you are, and you don’t have to present your ticket to me. I trust that you purchased a ticket.”

About twenty minutes later, the conductor came down the aisle of the train once again and saw Einstein, still searching wildly for the misplaced ticket. The conductor again said to him, “Dr. Einstein, please don’t worry about the ticket. I know who you are!”

Einstein stood and said in a gruff voice, “Young man, I know who I am, but I am trying to find my ticket because I want to know where I am going!”

Ever found yourself staring into the refrigerator trying to remember what you needed just two seconds earlier. Have you ever found yourself wondering if you are going up the stairs or coming back down? Get outside to the car and think “Where was going again?”

Not to put too fine a point on it but, Paul’s answer is “Heaven”.

Now it’s important to note that Paul is not all about the “sweet by and by” he very much had a theology of the here and now. But he also recognized that sometimes suffering goes unchecked on this side of life. The harsh reality is that for some people there just seems to be no justice.

And in the end no matter how well you are, what you’ve accomplished or who you have become, suffering will get you in the end.

Years later, after the boy now a young man, returned from his university studies, he remembered the kindly operator and decided to call her again. A woman answered and he explained who he was and gave his name and told the new operator how helpful her predecessor had been whenever he had needed help. He told her how she had become his friend and about how he’d missed their little chats.

The woman on the other end of the phone, said “I was told by Mrs. Jones about you”. “Mrs. Jones… the boy knew her. She was the sweat older lady with the garden down the street. That was the operator”. The new operator continued, “Yes, Mrs. Jones – She was the operation here for 56 years. And she told me that someday you might call again – perhaps even with a problem to help solve. She told me about you when she was very sick, and she knew she wouldn’t be long for this life. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Mrs. Jones passed away about three months ago. But she told me that if you ever called again, I should tell you something. I’ve been wondering what it means for a long time. “What did she tell you to say,” said the boy. At that there was a pause and then the voice on the other end of the phone said, “She told me to remind you that: There are other worlds in which to sing” (Stories to feed the Soul 125).

I don’t know what you are going through, what your kids, your families, your parents, neighbors, grandkids, friends, coworkers are going through. I don’t know what illness or hardships you sit with today.  But I do know that everyone suffers. And I know that sometimes, drugs take kids’ lives, family break up, people get abused, suffering happens, people starve, homeless freeze, little boys get shot mistakenly for playing with toy guns, not everyone recovers from cancer, and there is not always justice this side of life.

And while I wouldn’t want you to focus too much on a world beyond this one and I do to remind you that we are a people of hope. And even if things go horribly array… There are still other worlds in which to sing. Amen.

Song: Here comes Heaven

We respond to serve God: Our time of giving

Reflection on giving: The first Sunday in Advent celebrates God’s gift of hope. It is not easy to be hopeful in stressful times. But God’s steadfast presence gives us the courage to hope. So we offer whatever we have to share, knowing our gifts can spread hope in the world God loves by touching lives in Jesus’ name.

Prayer of Dedication

God of hope, we offer you our gifts, knowing you can do with them more than we can ask or imagine. Bless what we offer as tangible signs of your love at work in a world on edge, and as symbols of the hope we share in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Friend. Amen.

Response: Praise God from whom all blessings flow (830)

Prayers of hope

Father God by whose hands the universe was created,
Through whose wisdom all mysteries are revealed
And by whose love Jesus Christ our Savior was sent into this our world.

We who claim fellowship with that same Jesus, ask that you hear our prayers and move our hearts to respond in whatever way your purpose is fulfilled, and your name glorified.

We pray for your world-wide Church, that its message of hope and salvation through Christ is proclaimed with boldness and clarity, with sincere faith and without malice or prejudice.

We pray for the church’s influence on the legal and civil life of our country; that its influence for the good of all citizens is not further eroded but expanded.

We pray for our denomination, for our leaders at various levels of governance that the Holy Spirit will guide them in all decisions.

We pray for our other local churches in our neighborhood… For Enjoy Life and Greenfield Baptist and others. We pray that people in need might find the help they deserve and the hope they need between these many walls and far beyond.

We pray for organizations throughout Edmonton who care for the abused and the disenfranchised.

Our world, Lord, is not all that it could be. It is amazing and yet also filled with hatred, injustice, and greed in its people and within and between the various nations. We pray for a time when all peoples will live in mutual respect and co-operation.

We pray for centers of open armed conflict, thinking of Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, South Sudan, Ukraine, the Near East and many others – that negotiation will be seen as the only solution and that leaders may stand up to the challenges of brokering peace deals with their former enemies.

In most modern conflicts the divisions are compounded by ethnic, tribal, or religious differences and so we pray that the warring factions reassess their grievances and focus on those things which they have in common as a first step on the road to peace.

We remember our own armed forces both those active today and those who served in days gone past. We pray for safety and respect and calm heads.

We pray for people across the world whose access even to basic healthcare is limited and who fall victim to diseases that, with modern medicines, are both readily treatable and preventable.

And we give thanks, for despite what the news might accidentally project, we are living in the most peaceful period in human history. But it is not stable.

Despite the way it may appear on T.V. gun violence has been in decline for almost 20 years. But it is not stable.

And we thank you that even though things are expensive we are some of the most privileged people the world has ever know… just by living where we do.

Lord, we pray for our own country and society. We pray for our members and our government and people around our city.

Lord be on the minds of your people. Change the world and make us instruments of that change whenever and wherever possible. Make us children of your Hope until the very end and then beyond. Amen

The Sacrament of Holy Communion


If you are a baptized person from any congregation anywhere you are invited and if you have not been baptized, we can fix that.

Here is the table of the Lord, we are gathered to his supper, a foretaste of things eternal.

Song: I come with joy (530: vss 1-3

The Lord’s Prayer (469: sung)

The Communion Prayer

Our Father, You have called us to be a people for Your own self, and so help us to unify in spirit and in purpose, to do the things You have appointed us to do (Eph 2:10), and this includes partaking and participating in the Lord’s Supper, as a body, which we are commanded to do.

Since this is Your body, the church (Matt 25:34-40), we know that You are present with us, and that You are in each and every one of us; You are all and in all. Let us remain quiet in spirit and in movement God, showing deep reverence for such a sacrament.

Help us stay focused on the bread and wine, and to think about these symbols, Lord. The body and the blood, both poured out as a drink offering, for a once-and-for-all sacrifice (Heb 10:10). We are overwhelmed by such amazing grace God, that I cannot even express it in a words or prayer!

How wonderful are Your ways and awesome are Your blessings; we thank You Lord for the bread and wine and what these mean to us, and what they tell us about our eternity. But more so, what these meant for Christ (John 3:16), as there was no greater love ever shown Lord, in all of human history, and so in a spirit of unity we all now partake of the wine and the bread, and give You the glory for Your amazing grace, in Jesus’ most beloved name I pray, Amen.

Sharing of the bread and wine

Song: One Bread, one Body (540)

Take and eat. The body of Christ broken for you.

The blood of Christ … poured out just for you.

The prayer after Communion

Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you with all our heart for your mercy and grace. Give us now and in the days to come a living hope in you; and as we serve you in the world, help us look and work for that day when at your name every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess you Lord to the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Hymn: Lord of all power (626)

Sending out with God’s blessing

May God enrich you in speech and knowledge of every kind;
May Christ Jesus strengthen you to the end;
And may the Holy Spirit guide you in faithful living until he comes.
And when darkness tries to overtake you
Remember there is always hope in this life and the next
For there always are other worlds in which to sing.

Response: The Blessing

Music postlude


Numbers in brackets after a song/hymn indicate that it is from the 1997 Book of Praise of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Those and other songs are being used in accordance with the specifications of Dayspring’s licensing with One Licence (3095377) and CLC (A735555).

The Rev. Brad Childs retains the copyright (© 2023) on all original material in this service. As far as Brad Childs is aware, all of the material that has not been attributed to others is his own creation or is in the public domain. Unacknowledged use of copyrighted material is unintentional and will be corrected immediately upon notification being received.

At least we tried

Worship on the Lord’s Day
Christ the King Sunday      10:00 am       26 November 2023
Online & Onsite (Mixed Presence) Gathering as a Worshipping Community
Led by the Rev Brad Childs
Music director: Binu Kapadia     Vocalist: Linda F-B
Elder: Iris Routledge     Children’s Time: Lynn Vaughan

We gather to worship God

Music prelude

L: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
P: and also with you.

Lighting of the Christ candle
Welcome and announcements
Silent preparation for worship

Call to Worship
L: We come from all walks of life: the rich, the poor; the struggling and the secure.
P: And God calls us all.
L: We bring our hearts to this time and place – hearts holding joy and sorrow, questions and wonders.
P: And God knows us.
L: We offer what we have to give: our talents and our imperfections, our faith and our doubt, our hope and our hands.
P: And God loves us. Let us worship God.

Opening praise: I lift my eyes up

Prayers of approach and confession

You our God are worthy of all praise. Like a refiner’s fire, you purify your people, temper their desires, and point them back to you. In fact, sometimes in life, the heat we feel in life is often just your love for us, even when uncomfortable. You are the shepherd, and you are the God of mercy and care.

Like children, often we believe that what we want, and what is best for us, are the same thing. Yet rarely are they. When you Father tells us not to touch the stove we find you controlling. When you want only to keep our fingers out of the light socket, we get upset, get mad at you, and blame you for our troubles or for your rules that do not make sense. But of course, they do not. How could we understand your ways? And so, we submit and call not ourselves but You Lord of our lives.

Lord today we come and admit that we do not always know what’s right for us. We ask you to lead us by your word. And we ask for the fire from above to judge us rightly and cleanse us of impurity.

Lord, fill us with fire. Fill our worship with fire. Fill our souls with fire. Clean us and make us nothing but on fire for you, your love, and the other people of this world you have given us to care for.

God help us to do the things we should do even when we do not want to, even when we’re too scared to, or aren’t even quite sure what’s right to do.

Lead us on and help us through.

Help us to turn from the things that harm us, move us away from you, or lead us to ignore our fellow travelers in this world or judge them too quickly.

In short, our Heavenly Father, help us know better, to do better, and to be… better versions of ourselves… not because you do not love us just as we are, but because you love us too much not to show us better ways.

Forgive, forget, and bring us peace. Amen .

Response: We come to ask your forgiveness, O LOrd

Assurance of God’s grace: God’s love for us is so great that all who humbly repent. and trust in the good news of Jesus Christ will be forgiven. Thanks be to God. – Amen.

Musical Offering: Here comes heaven (Binu, Linda & Brad)

Reception of New Members
Apostles Creed
Right hand of fellowship

We listen for the voice of God

Children’s time

Response: Lord, listen to your children (449)

Story: The Giving Tree. Lynn shared the basic elements of the story that can be found in the book by Sel Silverstein connecting the love of the Giving Tree with the love of God and with the ways that we love other people.. See .

Prayer: Dear God, help us to be your hands in this world, bringing food to the hungry, clothes to the poor, and shelter to those without a home. Just as You are generous to us, we strive to be generous and sincere in our giving to all those others as You are generous to us. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer (535)

Transition music

Song: Great is Thy faithfulness (324)

Today’s Message

Scripture: 2 Peter 3:3-4; Ephesians 1:15-23; Matthew 25:31-46

Response: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet

Message: At least we tried

Richard Warren was born in San Jose, California, the son of Jimmy and Dot Warren. His father was a Baptist minister, and his mother was a high school librarian. In high school Richard founded the first Christian club on the school’s campus, The Fishers of Men Club.

Warren received a Bachelor of Arts degree from The California Baptist University, a Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (1979) in Fort Worth, Texas, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological in Pasadena.

During his time at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Warren worked at the Texas Ranch for Christ, a ministry facility of Billie Hanks, Jr., where he began authoring books. Rick co-wrote two books there.

In April 1980 Warren founded a church that he called Saddleback Church (inspired by his time at the Ranch). It had its first public service on Easter Sunday at the Laguna Hills High School Theater. 200 people showed up that first day. Warren’s church-growth methods led to rapid expansion, with the church using nearly 80 different facilities in its now 37-some-year history. Which is pretty amazing considering Saddleback did not build its first building until it had 10,000 weekly attenders. They have just over twice that for their average weekly attendance today. For the last few years, they have held their Easter and Christmas Services at the Los Angeles Angels Stadium both with a packed house in a place that seats 68,000 people. At each Easter service nearly 1,000 people dedicate or rededicate their lives to Christ.

Due to the success of his book sales, (particularly The Purpose Driven Church and The Purpose Driven Life) in 2005 Warren returned his 25 years of salary to the church and discontinued taking a salary from that point on. Today he and his wife are “reverse tithers”, giving 90% to charities and living off of 10% of their income. Don’t feel too bad though, because he’s sold over 90 million books at about $20 a pop. He will be all right.

All of this makes Warren a bit of a celebrity pastor. And that is why Fox News had Warren on T.V. for a feature broadcast in August of 2006. The feature was titled, “Can Rick Warren Change the World?” Reverend Warren was interviewed about his books, his church, his work with President Obama and his leadership in the church growth movement. The interviewer also highlighted Warren’s attempts to move outside the continental United States with a global network of churches to revolutionize how to manage what he considers the five biggest problems on earth: poverty, disease, illiteracy, spiritual emptiness, and egocentric leadership. 233

Jesus had his own list of six things to address.

Jesus began talking to a group of listeners about the “Day of Judgment” exactly what Ezekiel had written about hundreds of years earlier when he proclaimed the time that, “the Son of Man will come in glory”.

In the semi-parabolic story of today, Jesus says that the Son of Man will divide up the sheep and the goats based upon his own 6 criteria. In the story His sheep are the ones who: [not feed] fed Jesus when he was hungry, gave Jesus something to drink when he was thirsty, invited Jesus in when he was a stranger, gave Jesus clothes when he needed them, took care of Jesus when he was sick and visited Jesus when he was in prison. 37 Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

And Jesus will answer, “Whatever you did for the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did for me.”

Next in the story; in the same way, The Son of Man will divide the goats to his left hand and by the same 6 criteria he judges them: In opposition to the Sheep, The goats did not fed Jesus when he was hungry, they did not give Jesus something to drink when he was thirsty, they did not invite Jesus in when he was a stranger, they did not give him clothes when he needed them, take care of Jesus when he was sick or visit Jesus when he was in prison. And like the “righteous” the goats too are confused. And very interestingly, they also call out in the exact same way. And they call Him Lord! They are His followers… or at least they think they are.

And they cry out, “When Lord, did we see you hungry and not feed you, or thirsty and not give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and not invite you in, or needing clothes and not clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and not go to visit you?’

And conversely Jesus said, 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did not do for me.’”


It is interesting because it is a story many of us probably know very well. But it’s also a story we all pretty much agree with in principle.

Some of the things Jesus says are (while usually my favorite) actually very outrageous. Some of the things he says are just wild and shocking. This… well I think we would all pretty much agree that we should be feeding the hungry and giving water to the thirsty and clothing the naked and on and on. Helping people seems second nature to us… doesn’t it?

Sebastian Junger is an author. You might know him from his most famous book. It is also a movie and in fact Tracy and I watched it just a few nights ago. The film and the book go by the same name – The Perfect Storm.

But long before Sabastian became a famous writer, he decided to hitchhike his way across the United States as an interesting experience. The following story occurred while he was making his way through the aftermath of a blizzard in Gillette, Wyoming:

After two or three hours I saw a man working his way toward me along the on-ramp from town. He wore filthy canvas coveralls and carried a black lunchbox, and as he got closer, I could see that his hair was matted in a way that occurs only after months on the skids. I put my hand on the pepper spray I kept in my pocket and turned to face him.

“You been out here long?” he asked. I nodded.

“Where you headed?”


“Warm out there.”


“You got enough food?”

I thought about this. Clearly, he didn’t have any, and if I admitted that I did, he’d ask for some of mine. That in itself was not a problem, but it would mean opening my backpack and revealing all my obviously expensive camping gear. All the sudden I felt alone and exposed and ripe for pillage, and I just did not want to do that. Twenty years later and I can still remember my answer to him as clear as day: “I got some cheese”, I said.

“You won’t make it to California with just a little cheese,” he said. “You’ll starve.”

At first, I didn’t understand. What was he saying, exactly? I kept my hand on the pepper spray.

“Believe me,” he said, “I know. Listen, I’m living in a car back in town, and every day I walk out to the mine to see if they need any extra help for the day. Today they don’t, so I won’t be needing this lunch of mine.” “So, I’ve got just the right ticket for you.”

All a sudden I began to sag with understanding. In his world, whatever you have in your bag is all you have, and he knew “some cheese” would never get me all the way to California.

He didn’t ask because he needed something. He asked because he had something to give.

The guilt of that truth washed over me.

“I’m fine, really,” I said. “I don’t need your lunch, [but I do thank you for the offer.]”

He shook his head and opened his box. I remember thinking that it was a typical church meal—a bologna sandwich, an apple, and a baggie with chips—and I kept protesting, but he would not hear of it.

In the end, I finally took his lunch and then I watched him walk back down the on-ramp toward town.

Sometime later, I’m not sure I remember when, it hit me… I was his Jesus. Not because I was his savior, but because to him I was the least of these.

I learned a lot of things in college, I thought, and I learned a lot from books on my own. I had learned things in Europe and in Mexico and in my hometown of Belmont, Massachusetts, but I had to stand out there on that frozen piece of interstate (so that I, a person with a lot of safety nets to catch me) to learn true generosity from a man who owned nothing but a sandwich and then gave that away too, so a person he’d never met could eat.  487

No doubt we should be just like that man on the cold, frozen road… trying to care for people in need. And yet as Mother Teresa very rightly pointed out, it’s generally “the least of these” that do the best job of caring for others.

Now I’m not, not saying that the so called “poor” care for each other and we don’t. That is just not true.

The truth is, we all believe we should be doing these things, right? But we are also busy people. In an era when many of us feel that time is our scarcest resource, hospitality falters… In the words of a Benedictine Monk, “In a fast-food culture, you have to remind yourself that some things cannot be done quickly, Hospitality takes time.” 184.

We care… I think we’re the sheep on the right. Sometimes we’re just too rushed.

Or is it worse?

Are we apathetic? Have we gone numb?

I’m going to beg some forgiveness for this before-time, and I’ve toned it down a bit for you. But I’m going to do it anyway because I think there is a lot of power in this quotation.

Easily one of my favorite theologians and someone I’ve quoted many a time is Tony Campolo. He is a pastor and a professor at Northeastern University and Pittsburgh theological Seminary and he is a truly amazing speaker with his finger on the button of modern life.

In fact, Tony Campolo and his wife did a tour where they debated each other on the issue of same sex relationships in the church. Tony saw no biblical justification. His wife said differently. But they were both so wonderful in how they disagreed. Tony has since come to agree with his wife.

But Tony Campolo first garnered significant media attention several years ago because he went to a very famous and very large and very conservative church and there Tony preached a sermon on the Sermon on the Mount, (just like I am right now).

He began like this: “I have three things I’d like to say today. First, while you were sleeping last night, 30,000 kids died of starvation or diseases related to a simple lack of clean water. Second, nobody in this room gives a damn about them. Third, what’s worse is that most of you are more shocked right now by the fact that I said a certain word, than by the fact that I said 30,000 human beings/little kids! died! last night! of something easily preventable.”

People say kids are desensitized due to video games. Well… then what was my excuse the first time I heard this quote? Tony got me. I suspect he just got some of you too.

Do you think that sometimes we followers of Jesus get our priorities a little mixed up?

Did you know that 7.66 million human beings (mostly children) will die of nothing but simple lack of food this year? Where is our outrage? Where is our righteous indignation!?! The true cry for justice?!?

Last year, 1.7 million people died from runny stool.

Don’t we care???

I do

… but I also feel like one of those goats Jesus’ story, right now.

Honestly, this world is so huge and so out of control. More people will be hungry or thirsty or naked or wrongly imprisoned or ill or alienated in the next 24 hours than most of us will even ever meet in our lifetime; let alone be able to do something for. I don’t mean to be a downer, but I think sometimes (it’s not that we don’t care it’s that) we don’t get shocked about the “least of these” anymore because there are too many of them and too few of us. And unless you are one of the 1.12% of the word’s population holding 45.8% of the money, it feels like spiting in the ocean.

Yes, Jesus told us to take care of the poor, to feed and clothe and consider the needs of everyone.

But quite frankly, I think at this point, we’re all just overwhelmed. I mean, really … What can we do to put a dent in things?

This world is complex. And the truth is, it’s hard to know exactly what to do, when and how. Brilliant minds and thousands upon thousands of social workers and community organizers have tried massive projects.

But bear in mind that this same Jesus also told us that we would always have the poor among us. We could all give away everything we have and barely put a dent in things, so that can’t be the answer, can it?

As the story goes, one night a woman dreamed that she was having a conversation with God. She was angry about all the suffering and evil she saw around her, so she complained to God like a lot of us do. And with streams of salted tears pouring out her eyes, across her cheeks and even dripping from her chin… she called out in agony, “God, why don’t You do something about all this?”

And across God’s face came a sense of deep and utter disappointment as God gently whispered “I did do something. I gave them you.”

You know the truth is, I believe we have been called to care for each other in very literal ways and that this is exactly what Jesus meant. I suspect most of us would agree on that. I suspect that most of us would agree also that the job just seems too big to handle for us as individuals, us as a community, us as a church, as a network and even for us a nation. But I also suspect that you would agree as well that there are things, we can do to make a difference for someone (or many someone) else’s lives.

Back in California, throughout that slightly awkward interview Rick Warren found himself haunted by the question continually thrown his way: Can his plan really work? Can one nation or one network or one church or one person really heal the hurts of the world? Does Warren have the golden ticket?

At the closing of the program Warren did not shy away from the question any longer but met it with the words that he has asked to be the sole inscription on his tombstone: It is to read, “At least he tried.”

I do not know what you can do.

I do not always know what I can do.

You and I will have to figure that out for ourselves.

But know this… Somewhere out there; on that highway that is your life, Jesus is there waiting for you. He is cold, unkempt, sick, suspiciously imprisoned, in a country torn by war, a place where poverty rules, or just simply in need of water and a sandwich.

For the least of these:

Go out this week and change the world.

Do not empty your bank account.

Remember that tomorrow there will still be more to do.

Do not be overwhelmed.

Find some small way and keep doing it.

And though we cannot feed and clothe them all,

BUT if someone ever asks you if you cared for the goats, you can say, “I don’t know if it’s the golden ticket, but at least I tried.” Amen.

Song: When the poor ones (762: vss 1,2,4)

We respond to serve God: Our time of giving

Reflection on giving: Dayspring is empowered to carry out our mission of worship, service, and care by generously given volunteer time, talent, and treasure. Many thanks to all who give so generously!

Praise: Praise God from whom all blessings flow (830)

Prayer of gratitude and for others and ourselves

Your kingdom is among us, and you are always at work, bringing good out of bad and life out of death.

Open our ears to the cries of those who seek your kingdom’s justice,

open our eyes to situations where the reign of your kingdom appears absent, open our hands so that they might help build your kingdom in your world.

You came as one who was hungry and thirsty.

Where people are without homes, suffer drought and unjust economic practices, where people gather to make the world a better place.

where they use their skills to improve the quality of life and society.

Your kingdom comes.

Your will be done.

You came as a stranger in need of welcome.

Where there are people who wander and live lonely lives and are      strangers in a strange land, or who feel that love is missing, or they experience pain because of the loss of love or friendship; and where people are warm and extend friendship and are inclusive and welcoming.

Your kingdom comes.

Your will be done.

You came as one who was naked.

Where people do not have enough clothing, shelter, or the basic resources of life, where people live without dignity and are exposed to every kind of pain and hardship, and where people work in shelters and   through the government, courts, and churches to ensure that people are well cared for.

Your kingdom comes.

Your will be done.

You came as one who was sick.

Where people feel pain in their bodies or in their minds or spirits; where people seek healing or help those in pain; in places where illness has done its worst and desperation and death have moved in, and where people work with science, medicine, prayer, and counseling to improve life and health.

Your kingdom comes.

Your will be done.

You came as one who was in prison.

Where people are inhumanly treated and the law is unjust and where         people work within the legal and political systems to ensure that          justice is done and wherever new life has begun, where hope flickers, where there is laughter and joy, where there is healing and positive change, wherever there is good news to celebrate.

Your kingdom comes.

Your will be done.


Song: The love of God comes close (474: vss 1,2,5

Sending out with God’s blessing

And now, go with the love of God behind you. With Christ as your instructor. And with the Holy Spirit leading you on. Go forever. Amen.

Response: God to enfold you

Music postlude


Numbers in brackets after a song/hymn indicate that it is from the 1997 Book of Praise of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Those and other songs are being used in accordance with the specifications of Dayspring’s licensing with One Licence (3095377) and CLC (A735555).

The Rev. Brad Childs retains the copyright (© 2023) on all original material in this service. As far as Brad Childs is aware, all of the material that has not been attributed to others is his own creation or is in the public domain. Unacknowledged use of copyrighted material is unintentional and will be corrected immediately upon notification being received.

Love others into being

Worship on the Lord’s Day
10:00 am       19 November 2023
Online & Onsite (Mixed Presence) Gathering as a Worshipping Community
Led by the Rev Brad Childs
Music director: Binu Kapadia       Guest Pianist: Yvonne Boon
Vocalist: Linda F-B     Elder: Sam Malayang

We gather to worship God

Music prelude

L: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
P: and also with you.

Lighting of the Christ candle
Welcome and announcements
Silent preparation for worship

Call to Worship
L: In the morning, as the clouds gather and break,
P: We open our eyes and stretch our arms to a new day.
L: As we gather, and the papers rustle and the pews creak, and old friends whisper together,
P: We become the beloved community again.
L: In our words and songs and silence and prayers,
P: We open ourselves to wonder, and gratitude, and praise.

Opening praise:
Reckless love

Prayers of approach and confession
Transforming God,
you take the night and give us day.
You take our strife and give us peace.
You take our sadness and give us joy.
You take our fear and give us courage.
You take death and give us new life.
O God, you give and you give and you give.
So we come to praise you
and offer our love and loyalty as your willing servants
in the name of Christ who enriches our lives with grace
and in the power of the Spirit who prays within us
when we cannot find the right words to honour you,
God most kind and generous.
Trusting God,
you placed your mission in our hands
and gave us gifts to accomplish amazing things in Jesus’ name.
We confess sometimes we’ve taken credit for what your love has done.
Sometimes we’ve called our own desires your will.
Sometimes we’ve stepped back and let others carry responsibilities.
Forgive us when we’ve failed to honour your trust in us.

Response: Glory, Glory, Hallelujah

Assurance of God’s grace: Hear the good news!
Who is in a position to condemn?
Only Christ – and Christ died for us; Christ rose for us, Christ reigns in power for us, Christ prays for us.
So trust God’s promise.
In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and given a new start by God’s generous grace.

Musical Offering: Yet not I but Christ through me

Warren Garbutt (piano), Linda F-B, Lynn Vaughan, Brad Childs (guitar)

We listen for the voice of God

Children’s time

Response: Jesus loves me (373)

Story: It said that in this small country church in a little village, there were 2 young boys who worked in the church for the priest. They were called altar boys and they would go and set up some of the things like putting the candles up – that kind of stuff. And so they helped out in the church.

One day, before the Sunday Church Service, the 2 boys bumped into each other and they accidentally spilled the wine out of that big cup and it went all over the place.

Now, the priest really liked the one boy, but didn’t really care too much for the other.

So he told the one boy that dropped the wine: “Leave and don’t come back again.”

And then to the other boy. He said: “It’s OK. In fact, I think someday you’re going to be a priest.”

Now that seems very, very unfair, doesn’t it?

Well, a few years go by and the one boy actually does become a famous priest. He becomes a man named Archbishop Fulton Sheen who was a great Catholic theologian.

The other boy grew up to be General Tita, the commander of the Yugoslavian Communist Party who took his country to war.

You know, one little sentence. 2 different people.

In our book for today in Thessalonians there’s a verse from chapter 5 and it says Therefore go out and encourage each other and build each other up. Just as in fact you are in the habit currently of doing. Whatever you do in life, remember, this week, you’re going to encourage somebody.

If you want to say something bad, don’t. Encourage them instead because you might just change somebody’s life forever.

Prayer: God, we thank you for our friends, our families, and for our loved ones everywhere, for teachers and mentors and grandparents and everyone else who cares for us and loves us.

We pray that we would be encouraging to our friends and even to people we do not know. God make us encouragers. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer (535)

Transition music

Song: Follow me the Master said (645)

Today’s Message

Scripture reading: I Thessalonians 5:1-1 & Matthew 25:14-30

Response: Glory to the Father

Message: Love others into being

Presbyterian Minister, the Reverend Fred Rogers was the creator of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” a children’s television show that began airing in 1968 and ran until 2000—that’s 895 episodes. In 1997, just before retiring his show, Mr. Rogers won the Emmy’s Lifetime Achievement Award. This is an excerpt of his speech.

So many people have helped me to come to this night. Some of you are here. Some are far away. Some are even in heaven. All of us have special ones who have loved us into being. Would you just take, along with me, 10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are? Those who have cared about you and wanted what was best for you in life. 10 seconds of silence. I’ll watch the time.

Whomever you’ve been thinking about, how pleased they must be to know the difference you feel they’ve made.

In the video recording of that event, you can see actors and actresses tearing up during and after those ten seconds of silence.

All of us have special ones who have loved us into being children of God; helped us along the way and encouraged us. Some here. Some far away. Some are even in heaven where they join the saints around the throne still praying and offering intercession for us. We all have had spiritual parents. Will you be that for someone? Will you be a spiritual parent that raises children to follow Jesus and invite others to follow him or gently nudge someone else along?

1 Thessalonians was written around 51-52 A.D. and was the first letter Paul wrote to a church.

Paul arrived in Thessalonica in the winter of 49 A.D. after a very difficult experience in the city of Philippi (as in the book of Philippians). Paul stayed just a short while in Philippi and then was forced to leave by government officials. This meant that the church in Thessalonica would be without support just a few months after its very first Christian gathering in the entire city had begun.

It was almost doomed not to survive. How could it.

It was young, had no organizational structure and was worried about death, very worried about being killed for their interest in Jesus, and obsessed with the “end times” (which they thought would come so soon that they quit their jobs believing it pointless since Jesus could arrive at any time!).

Paul’s young student Timothy (as in the books of 1st and 2nd Timothy) joined Paul in; Athens relieving Paul of his loneliness. BUT Timothy was almost immediately sent to Thessalonica (as in the book of Thessalonians) to encourage them in a difficult time. After a short visit, Timothy once again joined Paul. This time Timothy met Paul in the city of Corinth (as in the books of 1st and 2nd Corinthians). And in Corinth, young Timothy gave his mentor Paul very good news. The Church was still alive and more than that, it was thriving. The people were still sharing the gospel. Yes, the church in Thessalonica had some worries but they were doing unexpectedly well.

They were doing astonishingly well and for a very simple reason, the two ministers agreed: They didn’t pick on each other. They didn’t complain. Not even a little complaining. They did the old, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all” deal! They seemed to have also thought of saying negative things like we might consider an exceptionally contagious virus. And they were right! People die from physical viruses; congregations die from negativity and gossip and bickering (we’ve all seen that at some point) and often from an otherwise absolutely beautiful human being who somehow came to self-justify a “helpful critique” that’s just “food for thought” yet also just so happens to be mentioned to everyone but the person being secretly evaluated and being given the supposed “help”.

We have all encountered this behavior at some point in our lives. Most people grow out of it by the end of Jr. High School but not everyone. We all know the person that tells you all the stuff they don’t like (which is probably about 10% of things) while neglecting all the stuff (probably around 90% or so) that they do like but regrettably and disappointingly and inauspiciously somehow also failed to mention.

In every church from this one, to the clandestine congregations meeting in North Korea (a consequence of which visiting demands a penalty of public execution). Negativity breeds negativity. And it’s poisonous to communities.

In its place, the Thessalonians tried encouraging each other. And to boot, it’s not like they all thought the same things about everything, or they all loved the same things. I am certain they had disagreements. They just appear to have largely conversed about those matters which coincided most between congregants. In other words, they spoke about what they agreed upon rather than what they were unhappy about.

I rather think of this like they are discussing a metaphysical Kindness Virus. The congregation is doing great. They are “full of joy” from what Timothy told him. They’ve replaced a disruptive virus with a spread of congruence and praise. They replaced the virus with encouragement.

1 Thessalonians is intensely personal. Instead of the typical focus on adjudicating between Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians, or correcting doctrine that didn’t fit with what the witnesses said happened: instead of impressing upon people the importance of freely accepting forgiveness rather than foolishly rejecting that gift while we simultaneously try to work off that same debt that’s already been paid. Instead, In 1 Thessalonians, Paul speaks almost entirely about interpersonal relationships. He’s not philosophizing so much as he is chatting.

It’s only in the final chapter (the part that we read from today) that Paul in conclusion addresses the people’s big questions and concerns about what happens to people to die before the return of Christ and their obsession with the end times. Still, this is caged within Paul’s point about the importance of the community.

Fundamentally, everything in Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians is about how Christians relate to one another in the community. How we are great and how we are less than at times.

In verses 10-11, Paul wrote, “For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, (dead or alive) we may still live together with him. [Death and life are nothing.] 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are already in the habit of doing.”

In a nutshell, Paul says, ‘that other stuff, isn’t that big of a worry. The stuff you fight over and the worrying about what a Just and Loving God will do with people who seek Him out and die before His return. Things that may happen someday don’t change anything that has to do with how we live as the church in the very present here and now. Our job isn’t to worry about death or fire from below, golden streets and harps above or the “end of days”. We are just meant to be spiritually preparing for any possibility believing that someday God will shake things up again and bring about a conclusion.

From Paul – to the congregation meeting in Thessalonica – he says that no matter what else until such a miraculous event takes place (and it could be 5,000 years away just like it could be tomorrow so, go get a job already you mooches). And then basically he just says that people should spend whatever time they have (be it a day like the Thessalonians fear, or 10,000 years away) encouraging each other and building each other up.

William Arthur Ward said, “Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will never forget you.”

Encourage me… and I will never forget you.

The importance of encouraging each other simply cannot be overstated. Who wants to be around a bunch of people who tear each other down or whisper about one another in secret or fight over the 10% instead of celebrating the 90%?

In one of his sermons on this very text, Charles Spurgeon wrote the following words, “Fault-Finding is dreadfully catching: One dog will set a whole kennel howling.” What’s that old line about “Judge not” again?

By contrast, building each other up is a major theme in the bible. The word for encourage here is (Pa-Rocka-Le-Oh) “parakaleo” in koine Greek. It appears 114 times in the New Testament. Encouragement, 114 times. The word most literally means, “to come beside”. This is a variation on the word most often used to describe the Holy Spirit. Again… Encourage each other… 114 times!

To me, it sounds like God is pretty serious about the encouragement thing. I’d perhaps go so far as to say that if we are not encouraging each other… then we’re not being the church.

In agreement, at one point the author of the book of Hebrews writes similarly, “Encourage one another daily, as long the day is called Today-” (Hebrews 3:13.) In other words, never stop encouraging each other. Never stop.

The beauty of it is threefold:
1) It’s easy.
2) It’s free it costs you nothing and
3) Everyone needs it.

For the moment I’ll remind you that I’m American so maybe this story has more weight with me, than you but I’ll tell it anyway. The night Second term Republican President, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at Ford’s Theatre, he had on his person several small items. These were:
-Two pairs of glasses.
-A small velvet eyeglass cleaner.
-An ivory pocketknife.
-A large handkerchief with “A. Lincoln” stitched on it; in red.
-A tiny pencil nub.
-A brass sleeve button.
-The same simple pocket watch given as a “standard issue” to everyday soldiers (my grandmother has one of these).
-And a brown wallet with a Confederate five-dollar bill inside.

And one more thing. President Lincoln (perhaps the most important leader in American History) also carried with him 8 tiny newspaper clippings that he had cut out and kept for safekeeping. All those clippings praised him for one act or another. I love that. And I think we all do that. I think we all carry words of encouragement with us written down or not. And everybody needs encouragement, from the youngest child to the immensely powerful. We all need it.

Now that doesn’t mean we’re all good at it. And I get it, some people are good at it. Some people couldn’t be forced to say something bad to somebody else if you put a stick of dynamite to ‘em or threatened to tie them to the railroad track. Others not so much.

One day 2 men were talking as they saw a woman walking down the road. One of the men said, “That’s Mrs. Jones. She always has something good to say about everyone.” The other man decided to test her, so when she got close he hollered, “Mrs. Jones, what do you think about the devil?” Mrs. Jones thought for a second and then answered, “He sure keeps busy doesn’t he; hard worker that one?”

Encouragement may not be everyone’s gift but If Mrs. Jones can find something nice to say about the devil then I promise you, you can find something nice to say to the people in the pews next to you or even the person you’ve just met. So why not start now. Encourage someone. Encourage everyone. (Pa-Rocka-Le-Oh) Parakaleo (come up beside someone).

In the fall of the year, Linda, a young woman, was travelling alone up the rutted and rugged highway from Alberta to the Yukon. Linda didn’t know you don’t travel to Whitehorse alone in a rundown Honda Civic, so she set off where only four-wheel drives normally venture. The first evening she found a room in the mountains near a summit and asked for a 5 A.M. wakeup call so she could get an early start. She couldn’t understand why the clerk looked surprised at that request, but as she awoke to early morning fog shrouding the mountaintops, she understood.

Not wanting to look foolish, she got up and went to breakfast. Two truckers invited Linda to join them, and since the place was so small, she felt obliged. “Where are you headed?” one of the truckers asked.

“Whitehorse,” she said.

“In that little Civic? No way! This pass is DANGEROUS in weather like this.”

“Well, I’m determined to try,” was Linda’s gutsy, if not very informed, response.

“Then I guess we’re just going to have to hug you,” the trucker suggested.

Linda drew back. “No offense but no thanks!” she said.

“Not like THAT!” the truckers chuckled. “We’ll put one truck in front of you and one at the rear. In that way, we’ll get you through the mountains safely.”

All that foggy morning Linda did what everyone in Alberta does from time to time.

She didn’t so much drive as she just followed the two tiny little red dots in front of her (and luckily too, had the reassurance of a big escort behind her) as they made their way safely through the mountains.

Life is messy. We all have issues. Everyone in this room, has some secret worry; some desperate hope. Caught in the fog of our dangerous passage through life, everybody needs to be “hugged” from time to time. And so together we move forward, with fellow Christians who know the way and can lead safely ahead of us; with others behind for us to lead the way. We too can be imitators of Christ, who come beside each other and constantly encourage each other.

And then who knows, maybe someday, when someone else takes 10 seconds to think about the special ones who were their spiritual parents, who helped “love them into being”, they’ll think of you. Amen

Song: Father, we love you (300)

We respond to serve God: Our time of giving

Reflection on giving: In the Church that bears Christ’s name, we receive the legacy of faithfulness offered to us across many generations. Our gifts continue to build up the inheritance we share in for generations we will never meet, so that they will meet Jesus and reach out to others in his name.

Prayer of Dedication: Faithful God, we offer humble thanks today for your generosity to us through the Church that bears Christ’s name. Receive our gifts as tokens of our love and loyalty. Use them to sustain the mission of the Church in ways we cannot yet imagine, in a future that you are creating through Christ, our Saviour and Lord. Amen.

Prayer of gratitude and for others and ourselves

God of all life and each life,

We thank you that you are with us every day, in each challenge and opportunity.

In our weakness, you are strength.

In our confusion, you light the path ahead.

In our questions, you offer wisdom for our choices.

Stay with us in these days when so much seems uncertain, and help us to serve you faithfully, when and as we are able.

God of loving kindness,

Thank you for each moment of joy and celebration in our lives: for love given and received, for friendships which bring meaning and happiness, even from a distance, and for family members who show us glimpses of unconditional love.

In all our relationships and interactions, keep us mindful of your call to see you in each another.

God of the nations,

we worry for the world filled with conflict and division, when the earth itself is put at risk by destructive human actions.

Guide diplomats and politicians to look beyond short term interests, and keep the well-being of vulnerable people and the planet in focus.

Open our leaders’ minds and hearts with wisdom to develop more equitable ways of ordering our common life.

God of healing,

we pray for those who are suffering in these days when winter is closing in.

Draw close to all who fear the future.

Comfort those with pain or problems that seem overwhelming.

Shine the light of your love into our sadness and sorrows and show us how to comfort and support each other.

God of life,

We thank you for your saints of every age who continue to inspire us, and for all who have meant the world to us and now live with you.

Keep us in communion with them and, at the last, bring us all to dwell together in your light. Amen.

Song: We are one in the Spirit (471)

Sending out with God’s blessing

Be a kingdom builder this week. Find a way to offer your time and talent to a project worthy of God’s hope for the world God loves!

And so may the blessing of God, Creator, Christ and Spirit, fill you and overflow through you to touch others with God’s renewing love.

Response: God to enfold you

Music postlude


Numbers in brackets after a song/hymn indicate that it is from the 1997 Book of Praise of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Those and other songs are being used in accordance with the specifications of Dayspring’s licensing with One Licence (3095377) and CLC (A735555).

The Rev. Brad Childs retains the copyright (© 2023) on all original material in this service. As far as Brad Childs is aware, all of the material that has not been attributed to others is his own creation or is in the public domain. Unacknowledged use of copyrighted material is unintentional and will be corrected immediately upon notification being received