Dayspring Session (Church Council)

Overall leadership of the congregation is provided by the Session.

The Session is comprised of members of the congregation called Elders, along with the Minister, who is the Moderator (chairperson).

Elders, in addition to their overall leadership responsibilities, have responsibility to stay in touch with several households (these groupings are called Anchor Groups). They are assisted in this task by the Pastoral Care Team, the Stephen Ministry Team, and several other volunteers.

Most of the elders also have leadership positions in the various organizations and activities of the congregation.

Members of the congregation can find out who their Elder is or can ensure that they are on the pastoral care list by contacting the Roll Clerk, the Clerk of Session, the Moderator, or the Church Office ( 

Moderator: The Rev Bradley R. Childs
Session Clerk: Darlene Eerkes
Deputy Clerk: Iris Routledge
Other Elders
Jane de Caen
Peter Eerkes
Gina Kottke
Samuel Malayang
Renita MacCallum
Romulus (Rom) Rhoad
Shirley Simpson
Lynn Vaughan
Heather Tansem