Neighbourhood Care Network (NCN)

The NCN is a community collaboration between Dayspring Presbyterian Church and Greenfield Community Church with the purpose of working together for the common good of our neighbourhood.

Previous Initiatives

  • 71 meals were made and delivered to 26 homes and 17 individuals at the University of Alberta International House for Easter 2022.
  • We made and delivered 153 turkey dinners in 2021.
  • 21 5000 muffins for those experiencing homelessness through the Mustard Seed between June 2020 and August 2021.
  • Grocery gift cards have helped 306 people in need
  • 161 people received a Christmas or Easter dinner delivered to their door in 2000
  • 180 masks were hand-sewn and donated to the inner-city community
  • 230 isolated seniors and group home residents received care packages
  • 205 teachers, healthcare workers and firefighters received an encouragement coffee voucher

Coming in 2024

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