Dayspring DayBook

The Dayspring DayBook was our Monthly Newsletter

Publication ceased in December 2023. However, you can still read the below issues for 2022 and 2023.

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Click on the date to view an issue.

December 2023: Final issue of the DayBook with articles on Kwanzaa … Christian liturgical colours … Hanukkah … the Dreidel … and a message from our Minister.

November 2023: In this issue: About the “Head” of the PCC … How does it work? … Minister’s Message: Presbyterians & Baptism  … What does it look like? … What’s it for?

October 2023: In this issue: Change … Reformed and always Reforming … Minister’s Message: Inevitability … Presbyterianism and Representative Democracies … Decision-making in Reformed and Reforming Denominations

September 2023: In this Issue: What did you do this past Spring-Summer? … Settling in Edmonton … Dragon Boat racing in Thailand … Minister’s Message: Be bold and win the race … Our new pup

June 2023: In this Issue: Entertaining Angels Unaware … Pauline Brown: An Angel in India … From our Minister about Angels … PCC “Angel Factories”

May 2023: Why study the Bible? … How to study the Bible … From our minister (Reading a bible is one thing. Studying it is another. … More Bible Study tools … Learning online … List of Bible Study resources

April 2023: The Rev Mary Fontaine (official nominee for Moderator of the 2023 General Assembly) … Becoming a Moderator … Earth Week 2023 … From our minister (Earth Day) … Seeking Ecojustice …  Geothermal heat pumps

March 2023: Dayspring reads … reviews of 16 books that Dayspringers are reading or want to read

February 2023: Black History Month … The Meaning of Lent … Lenten Activities … Losing a father … The meaning of St. Valentine’s Day … History of the heart shape

January 2023: Focus on Ukraine … Ukrainians celebrate Christmas on December 25 this year … From our minister … PWS&D, ACR Alliance, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Transcarpathian Reformed Church …  A Prayer

December 2022: What are we waiting for? … Christmas round the back door (a pickup pageant) … Q7A (Virgin birth) … Charity or “handout” … Favourite Recipes: Cherry Surprise

November 2022: Advent to Action … Zechariah … the Shepherds … Q&A with Brad … Elizabeth … the Magi … What does it all mean?

October 2022: Shame … Friday Coffee Hour and Playgroup … Mental Health Services … Q & A with Brad (our minister) … Shame and Guilt defined … Genocidal Guilt and Shame … What is “Turtle Island … Conclusion of “Shame” Article

September 2022: The changing face of Dayspring … Pictures from the Carnival and Garden Party … We care for our kids … Visit of the Moderator.

Summer 2022: A New Beginning (pictures of the arrival and induction of our new minister, the Rev. Brad Childs and a message from Brad about his new beginnings as our minister)

May 2022: Holy Humour … Riddles … From our Interim Moderator: Humour in the Bible … From God’s kids … Newsletter “Bloopers” … Corny Church jokes

April 2022: Volunteering: Empathy in Action … Empathy and Mission … Stephen Ministries News … From our Interim Moderator: Volunteerism from a Theological Perspective … National Volunteer Week … 24-30 April; 7 Characteristics of Volunteers

March 2022:  Preparations for Lent • From our Youth/ Young Adult Coordinator (Fionna) • Poem: Blessing the Dust on Ash Wednesday • From our Interim Moderator: Reflection on Lent and Fasting • Lenten afterthoughts

February 2022:  Who??? • How??? And Why??? • From our Interim Moderator: • Who Cares? • Make Tax Time Pay: A Community Caring Outreach Program

January 2022:  Standing at a crossroads • About making choices • From Our Interim Moderator: Reflecting on Discernment • Two Poems about Discernment • Asking Questions vs. Making NY Resolutions